Tim Gent, Powdermills Pottery (Devon)

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Tim Gent, Powdermills Pottery (Devon) Empty Tim Gent, Powdermills Pottery (Devon)

Post by big ed April 9th 2012, 2:15 pm

Tim Gent, Powdermills Pottery (Devon) 03613

Anybody recognise this mark , it is on the follwing wood fired pots and also on a test piece that has sea shell impressed marks , reminds me of the nic collins svend bayer things that the gnarley dudes were doing , I bought the lot very cheaply and would love to know maker
big ed
big ed

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Tim Gent, Powdermills Pottery (Devon) Empty Tim Gent, Powdermills Pottery

Post by big ed April 9th 2012, 2:16 pm

Tim Gent, Powdermills Pottery (Devon) 02316
big ed
big ed

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Tim Gent, Powdermills Pottery (Devon) Empty Re: Tim Gent, Powdermills Pottery (Devon)

Post by big ed April 9th 2012, 2:17 pm

Tim Gent, Powdermills Pottery (Devon) 01918
big ed
big ed

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Tim Gent, Powdermills Pottery (Devon) Empty Re: Tim Gent, Powdermills Pottery (Devon)

Post by big ed April 9th 2012, 2:28 pm

The similarities are there of the powdermill pottery , but as to who or where I dunno Shrugs
big ed
big ed

Male Number of posts : 11934
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Tim Gent, Powdermills Pottery (Devon) Empty Re: Tim Gent, Powdermills Pottery (Devon)

Post by big ed April 11th 2012, 10:44 am

Tim Gent, Powdermills Pottery (Devon) 04611

This the test piece with shell impressed
big ed
big ed

Male Number of posts : 11934
Age : 70
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Tim Gent, Powdermills Pottery (Devon) Empty Re: Tim Gent, Powdermills Pottery (Devon)

Post by studio-pots April 11th 2012, 11:00 am

I keep looking but still have no idea who they are by. The clay body mix looks very Nic/Svend.

Nic Collins is a very friendly chap so maybe a couple of images via email to him might bring a result.

Now you should know by now that Potty and I need to see your bottom - we're funny that way!

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Tim Gent, Powdermills Pottery (Devon) Empty Re: Tim Gent, Powdermills Pottery (Devon)

Post by big ed April 11th 2012, 12:14 pm

Thanks John , I thought if anyone would know it would be you , I have sent Nic some images , no reply as yet
big ed
big ed

Male Number of posts : 11934
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Tim Gent, Powdermills Pottery (Devon) Empty Re: Tim Gent, Powdermills Pottery (Devon)

Post by big ed April 11th 2012, 12:52 pm

Tim Gent, Powdermills Pottery (Devon) 02221
big ed
big ed

Male Number of posts : 11934
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Tim Gent, Powdermills Pottery (Devon) Empty Re: Tim Gent, Powdermills Pottery (Devon)

Post by big ed April 11th 2012, 12:52 pm

Tim Gent, Powdermills Pottery (Devon) 02016
big ed
big ed

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Tim Gent, Powdermills Pottery (Devon) Empty Re: Tim Gent, Powdermills Pottery (Devon)

Post by big ed April 11th 2012, 9:00 pm

I have had a kind reply from Nic Collins and he has told me they were made by Tim Gent , who worked at the powdermills pottery after Nic Left , so good result Happy
big ed
big ed

Male Number of posts : 11934
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Tim Gent, Powdermills Pottery (Devon) Empty Re: Tim Gent, Powdermills Pottery (Devon)

Post by studio-pots April 11th 2012, 10:30 pm

I know the name but hadn't seen any of his work or his mark. Potters are generally obliging folk, as Nic has shown.

Now you should know by now that Potty and I need to see your bottom - we're funny that way!

Male Number of posts : 7830
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Tim Gent, Powdermills Pottery (Devon) Empty Re: Tim Gent, Powdermills Pottery (Devon)

Post by big ed April 12th 2012, 11:29 am

studio-pots wrote:I know the name but hadn't seen any of his work or his mark. Potters are generally obliging folk, as Nic has shown.

Yes , nearly every potter I have emailed has sent back a kind response and Tim gent's work is new to me as well , can't find much on the net about him .
big ed
big ed

Male Number of posts : 11934
Age : 70
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Tim Gent, Powdermills Pottery (Devon) Empty Wood fired beaker DG Mark? - Tim Gent, Powdermills Pottery, Devon

Post by benwilliams January 30th 2019, 9:14 pm

Wood fired beaker, grey-green glaze inside- maybe ash glaze.
Impressed mark, maybe DG
13 cm tall

Tim Gent, Powdermills Pottery (Devon) 10ade710
Tim Gent, Powdermills Pottery (Devon) Be633c10
Tim Gent, Powdermills Pottery (Devon) 19b6d810

Number of posts : 2453
Location : Devon
Registration date : 2017-12-27

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Tim Gent, Powdermills Pottery (Devon) Empty Re: Tim Gent, Powdermills Pottery (Devon)

Post by NaomiM January 30th 2019, 10:11 pm

Nice Woodfired beaker with natural ash glaze. I don’t recognise the mark; possibly AG. It might be from France. La Borne is one of the co-operatives for woodfiring potters

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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Tim Gent, Powdermills Pottery (Devon) Empty Re: Tim Gent, Powdermills Pottery (Devon)

Post by benwilliams January 30th 2019, 10:17 pm

I think AG is clearer to me now

Number of posts : 2453
Location : Devon
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Tim Gent, Powdermills Pottery (Devon) Empty Re: Tim Gent, Powdermills Pottery (Devon)

Post by NaomiM September 7th 2022, 7:34 pm

By Tim Gent, Powdermills Pottery, Devon. He took over from Nic Collins at the Pottery

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32298
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Tim Gent, Powdermills Pottery (Devon) Empty Re: Tim Gent, Powdermills Pottery (Devon)

Post by benwilliams September 7th 2022, 7:48 pm

Brilliant. The beakers gone now but it’s a local mark to know. Thank you.

Number of posts : 2453
Location : Devon
Registration date : 2017-12-27

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Tim Gent, Powdermills Pottery (Devon) Empty Re: Tim Gent, Powdermills Pottery (Devon)

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