Caves de Bordeaux Pottery, Guernsey

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Caves de Bordeaux Pottery, Guernsey  Empty Caves de Bordeaux Pottery, Guernsey

Post by vanmann March 25th 2012, 12:40 pm

I bought this unusually lidded pot which is marked C. de B. Pottery Guernsey C.I. I believe that this is from Caves de Bordeaux Pottery, but can find no information on this pottery. I would be grateful for any further info. Thanks John

Caves de Bordeaux Pottery, Guernsey  Potte107

Caves de Bordeaux Pottery, Guernsey  Potte108

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Caves de Bordeaux Pottery, Guernsey  Empty Bon Forma Handcrafted Stoneware, Guernsey

Post by NaomiM July 25th 2022, 3:49 pm

Discovered it's the same pottery making the Bon Forma Handcrafted Stoneware in Guernsey, but potter still unknown. I'm guessing it was operating in the 60s, plus or minus a decade

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Caves de Bordeaux Pottery, Guernsey  Empty Re: Caves de Bordeaux Pottery, Guernsey

Post by NaomiM July 25th 2022, 5:00 pm

Another one here, with an RS monogram. Found one online with an ink stamp over the top saying C de B, Guernsey, CI. All had the same glaze decoration.

Caves de Bordeaux Pottery, Guernsey  Caves_11

Caves de Bordeaux Pottery, Guernsey  Caves_10

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32456
Location : Hampshire
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