I.D My Paperweight Please !.

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I.D My Paperweight Please !. Empty I.D My Paperweight Please !.

Post by keramark October 24th 2011, 11:07 am

Picked this up at weekend, anyone know it's origin and maybe signature !, Cheers, Big Al. . . Most Excellent

[img]I.D My Paperweight Please !. Finds_16[/img]

[img]I.D My Paperweight Please !. Finds_17[/img]

[img]I.D My Paperweight Please !. Finds_18[/img]

[img]I.D My Paperweight Please !. Finds_19[/img]

Male Number of posts : 315
Age : 62
Location : Jarrow england
Registration date : 2011-08-19

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