very unusual glass vase, signed please ID

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very unusual glass vase, signed please ID Empty very unusual glass vase, signed please ID

Post by valiantvintage September 16th 2011, 7:36 am

Hi, I have had this art glass vase/form for a few years and just can't make out the signature or even find anything close!
Please help!
It stand about 8" tall and has frosted sides with controlled bubble interior areas...I would guess it is at least 40+ years old?
Thank you!

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Registration date : 2011-06-15

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very unusual glass vase, signed please ID Empty maybe -- Just guessing here...

Post by antiquerose123 February 24th 2012, 9:55 am


Just looking through some Older post, and though I might take a guess at this. I do not recognize the piece, nor the signature.

Was *just trying* to see IF I could figure something out from the writing. IMHO, it kinda looks like it might say : H. Jenkin or maybe H. Jenkins But that is just a guess on my part. Found on the Net there is such a person BUT cannot find another Sample of Signature ????? So just throwing that out there as merely a guess


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very unusual glass vase, signed please ID Empty Re: very unusual glass vase, signed please ID

Post by NicolaP March 7th 2012, 9:10 am

Know nothing about it but its a lovely bit of glass!

Number of posts : 6
Location : New Zealand
Registration date : 2012-02-14

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very unusual glass vase, signed please ID Empty Re: very unusual glass vase, signed please ID

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