ID request for lg. blue vase w/applied salamander Moser?

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ID request for lg. blue vase w/applied salamander Moser? Empty ID request for lg. blue vase w/applied salamander Moser?

Post by postmodernnut September 10th 2011, 2:58 am

This vase was purchased about 15 years ago at an antique store. Never have had a good impression of who may have done it. It is 27.3 cm tall. There is some water marks on the interior base, and there was a crack running from the nose up about 5 cm. it has increased over time and is now about 9 cm. We just had a restorer put in a UV glue in the crack to stabilize it. The number on the base is our accession number in the glass collection. Any and all thoughts are very welcome. This is the first time we had posted a glass piece, but have posted on ceramics frequently.
Thanks in advance

[img]ID request for lg. blue vase w/applied salamander Moser? 100_7904[/img]
[img]ID request for lg. blue vase w/applied salamander Moser? 100_7905-1[/img]
[img]ID request for lg. blue vase w/applied salamander Moser? 100_7906[/img]

Male Number of posts : 228
Age : 76
Location : Illinois, U.S.
Registration date : 2011-02-24

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ID request for lg. blue vase w/applied salamander Moser? Empty Re: ID request for lg. blue vase w/applied salamander Moser?

Post by postmodernnut September 10th 2011, 3:04 am

Sorry about the sizing and cropping, seems Photobucket and I are having issues this evening.

Male Number of posts : 228
Age : 76
Location : Illinois, U.S.
Registration date : 2011-02-24

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