KW mark, Kate Weaver (not Karen Ann Wood)

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KW mark, Kate Weaver (not Karen Ann Wood) Empty KW mark, Kate Weaver (not Karen Ann Wood)

Post by climberg64 August 29th 2011, 6:54 pm

KW mark, Kate Weaver (not Karen Ann Wood) P1000412
KW mark, Kate Weaver (not Karen Ann Wood) P1000413

Hi, the closest mark I can find is Karen Ann Wood but I cannot see any of her work on the web to compare. The glaze won't show well in the photo I'm afraid but its 10" tall, hand thrown and the foot is a bit like moorcroft pots in shape. Any ideas? Thanks.

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KW mark, Kate Weaver (not Karen Ann Wood) Empty Re: KW mark, Kate Weaver (not Karen Ann Wood)

Post by studio-pots August 29th 2011, 10:39 pm

Karen was an occasional customer of mine before she went back to Australia and before she went I did go to her house and buy some of her pottery collection of other potters. I didn't take too much interest in her work and to be honest I can't remember her showing me anything so I am not that familiar with anything she did.

I know that it was quite varied and your vase does look a possibility as does the mark. However, there isn't any way that I can say one way or the other.

Now you should know by now that Potty and I need to see your bottom - we're funny that way!

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