Clare Foster and Philip Gearing for Liberty

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Clare Foster and Philip Gearing for Liberty  Empty Clare Foster and Philip Gearing for Liberty

Post by wesley July 31st 2011, 9:56 pm

Admin wrote:Via LinkedIn:
Clare Foster
Owner at Clare Foster Design
Fordwich, England, United Kingdom

Clare is a creative with over 30 years of regional and global experience in product & concept design, project management and strategy.
She has led and inspired a number of creative teams, guiding them through some weird and wonderful schemes. For 26 years, Clare was a partner and creative director at Foster Gearing, working with a variety of clients from multiple sectors and disciplines.
In 2016, Clare started Clare Foster Design- a creative studio, specialising in: Brand building, innovation, design, and strategy.

Hello All,

Can anyone give me any further information on these two plates that I own. The porcelain plates appear to be hand painted and measure 10.5 inches in diameter and the signatures are freehand ( I say this because when I compare both plates, the signatures have slight variations.)

I am assuming that they are for Liberty’s of London

Best wishes,

Clare Foster and Philip Gearing for Liberty  110

Clare Foster and Philip Gearing for Liberty  210

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Clare Foster and Philip Gearing for Liberty  410

Male Number of posts : 7
Age : 56
Location : Eastcote
Registration date : 2008-12-11

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