Roman-esque ewer, Cp mark or CPo mark - By Picurt, Ceramica, Iberica
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Potty Primate- Number of posts : 339
Location : Nottinghamshire
Registration date : 2011-04-23
Re: Roman-esque ewer, Cp mark or CPo mark - By Picurt, Ceramica, Iberica
well I didn't do it unlike my avatar
Re: Roman-esque ewer, Cp mark or CPo mark - By Picurt, Ceramica, Iberica
Damn, that's that theory out of the window
I did wonder whether you had made your avatar-pot, and now I know. That style really appeals to me, and I have got a piece in one of the countless boxes up in the loft that is very similar in style to yours (if memory serves, it's been a long time since I saw it last). I'll try to find it when time and spine allow.
So....anybody got any ideas for my little ewer? One curious detail; the neck is blocked with a plug of clay. Whether it was deliberately done to suggest a sealed ewer, or just carelessness on the part of the potter I've no idea.
I did wonder whether you had made your avatar-pot, and now I know. That style really appeals to me, and I have got a piece in one of the countless boxes up in the loft that is very similar in style to yours (if memory serves, it's been a long time since I saw it last). I'll try to find it when time and spine allow.
So....anybody got any ideas for my little ewer? One curious detail; the neck is blocked with a plug of clay. Whether it was deliberately done to suggest a sealed ewer, or just carelessness on the part of the potter I've no idea.
Potty Primate- Number of posts : 339
Location : Nottinghamshire
Registration date : 2011-04-23
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