Bootfair Find pair satin glass vases ID help please

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Bootfair Find pair satin glass vases ID help please Empty Bootfair Find pair satin glass vases ID help please

Post by VeryGreennkeen July 6th 2011, 10:11 pm

Hi Folks,
i found this pair of Satin glass vases at the local bootfair this sunday.
No idea of where or when made.
I was drawn to there landscape effect colours to start with then when i picked them up felt the satin finish and thought them lovely.

Cut top rims and flat base so i guess mould blown.
Clear inner with colour layer at center and cased in clear again, any thoughts or ideas appreciated.
Thanks for taking the time to look.

Bootfair Find pair satin glass vases ID help please Glassvasepair005

Bootfair Find pair satin glass vases ID help please Glassvasepair002

Bootfair Find pair satin glass vases ID help please Glassvasepair003

Number of posts : 146
Location : uk
Registration date : 2011-05-10

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Bootfair Find pair satin glass vases ID help please Empty Re: Bootfair Find pair satin glass vases ID help please

Post by Nic July 7th 2011, 1:11 am

No idea who made them, but is the base of the vase engraved '11/6' or is it just my imagination?

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Bootfair Find pair satin glass vases ID help please Empty Re: Bootfair Find pair satin glass vases ID help please

Post by VeryGreennkeen July 10th 2011, 6:40 pm

Hi, just had a look and its a mark which i think is written in pencil as 2/11
Pre-decimal price perhaps ???

Number of posts : 146
Location : uk
Registration date : 2011-05-10

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