Josephine Carr, Wealden Pottery, Kent

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 Josephine Carr, Wealden Pottery, Kent Empty Josephine Carr, Wealden Pottery, Kent

Post by flying free February 21st 2011, 10:20 pm

Starting a new thread for this pottery.  
I recently sold a gorgeous cruet set in the shape of Oast houses.  They were bought by a lady called Jo (I've realised I don't actually know if Jo is a lady or a man so Jo, if you read this and I have it wrong, please do enlighten me Doh! ).  Jo let me know that she had made the pottery originally but that she'd never kept a set for herself.  The set I sent were in perfect condition and had never been used and are absolutely fab, so I have copied pics here.
I asked Jo for some more information so I could start a thread so here is the information
'You asked about the pottery.A brief history,I started potting at 16 at rye pottery in sussex,back in 1964 worked there for 14 years.
I started Wealden Pottery in 1993 and have just stopped potting after 31 years in all.
Wealden pottery mainly made oast houses and hand painted hops, with lady birds and butterflys,anything about nature,all my lids had mice on them.I sold too the National Trust mainly and a few small shops,plus Fortnam and Mason in London.'

I've attached some pics of the Oast Houses below and invited Jo to join the forum  Happy
 Josephine Carr, Wealden Pottery, Kent Oast_h10

 Josephine Carr, Wealden Pottery, Kent Oastho10

 Josephine Carr, Wealden Pottery, Kent Oastho12

 Josephine Carr, Wealden Pottery, Kent Oastho11
flying free
flying free

Number of posts : 598
Location : UK
Registration date : 2010-02-21

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 Josephine Carr, Wealden Pottery, Kent Empty Re: Josephine Carr, Wealden Pottery, Kent

Post by flying free February 21st 2011, 11:01 pm

Well, the good news is Jo is a lady and having asked her for more information, Jo has very kindly sent me this message below - enjoy reading! and thank you Jo

'Hi Miranda,
No, David Sharpe had left by then to start up his own pottery in rye, at one time there were 5 potteries in rye,all of them started by potters who had learned their craft at Rye potts and then moved on.My full name is Josephine Carr and I went to Rye as a turner and handler and as the years went by I would learn other aspects of the job and fill other peoples shoes as they left and moved on ,thus I got an all round knowledge.
I worked with Pam Goddard and June Wooley, June was a paintress and Pam was a thrower and did some painting,Im still in touch with them both,June worked there for 40 years.Wally Cole was my mentor. a super bloke who loved to impart knowledge,a better teacher you could not find.David Sharpe and Dennis Townsend and Ray Everet all worked there in the 1950 and all had businesses in the town also Jimmy Elliot who ran Cinque ports pottery you may have heard of.Hope this gives you some info to be going on with.
flying free
flying free

Number of posts : 598
Location : UK
Registration date : 2010-02-21

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