Murano for sure, but maker? (candlesticks)

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Murano for sure, but maker? (candlesticks) Empty Murano for sure, but maker? (candlesticks)

Post by bistoboy January 24th 2011, 12:56 pm

I think these candlesticks (there is another, just photographed one for the ID) were made in Murano for sure. but i'm not a glass expert person, so can anyone narrow it down further for me? my internet research has led me to Salviati as they're appear to have used this ruby red glass with gold/aventurine inclusions quite a lot. Also, the grape type prunts seem characteristic of their wares. Can anyone confirm or deny for me please.

Murano for sure, but maker? (candlesticks) Murano10
Murano for sure, but maker? (candlesticks) Murano11

Murano for sure, but maker? (candlesticks) Murano12

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Murano for sure, but maker? (candlesticks) Empty Re: Murano for sure, but maker? (candlesticks)

Post by skay March 17th 2011, 9:43 pm

Happy Bump.


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Murano for sure, but maker? (candlesticks) Empty Re: Murano for sure, but maker? (candlesticks)

Post by postmodernnut March 22nd 2011, 7:27 pm

It is true Salviati used ruby glass and prunts, but so did others. I have seen recent, i.e. still in production, somewhat similar by at least 2 others. Wish I could be more specific.

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Murano for sure, but maker? (candlesticks) Empty Re: Murano for sure, but maker? (candlesticks)

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