Ken Jones, HazelCraft, Wakefield (not Marsha Turner)

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Ken Jones, HazelCraft, Wakefield (not Marsha Turner) Empty Ken Jones, HazelCraft, Wakefield (not Marsha Turner)

Post by ade0915 December 6th 2010, 4:15 pm

2 very small, well made vases!

Edited to add: Often with a shop label for Marsha Turner's Hazelcrafts. Assuming she was the potter too but it may have been someone else - Admin

Ken Jones, HazelCraft, Wakefield (not Marsha Turner) 08610

Male Number of posts : 79
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Registration date : 2009-01-18

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Ken Jones, HazelCraft, Wakefield (not Marsha Turner) Empty Small, wax resist decorated, vase signed HCP - possibly Hazelcraft Pottery

Post by Greenie1689 October 31st 2015, 12:39 pm

This has to be touched to be appreciated: the rough, biscuit-like body; and then the sensual silkiness of the dripping chocolate glaze!

Yes, it is good enough to eat but does anyone have any idea who made it?

Ken Jones, HazelCraft, Wakefield (not Marsha Turner) Hcp_po10

Ken Jones, HazelCraft, Wakefield (not Marsha Turner) Hcp_ma10

All the best,

Number of posts : 81
Location : Cumbria
Registration date : 2015-08-28

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Ken Jones, HazelCraft, Wakefield (not Marsha Turner) Empty Re: Ken Jones, HazelCraft, Wakefield (not Marsha Turner)

Post by NaomiM November 13th 2017, 12:28 am

maybe Hazelcraft Pottery -

Ken Jones, HazelCraft, Wakefield (not Marsha Turner) Marsha10

Last edited by NaomiM on May 1st 2023, 6:37 pm; edited 3 times in total

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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Ken Jones, HazelCraft, Wakefield (not Marsha Turner) Empty Re: Ken Jones, HazelCraft, Wakefield (not Marsha Turner)

Post by Greenie1689 November 13th 2017, 7:39 am

I'd forgotten all about his one and can't remember where I've put it but thanks, Naomi, for continuing to solve the problems!


Number of posts : 81
Location : Cumbria
Registration date : 2015-08-28

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Ken Jones, HazelCraft, Wakefield (not Marsha Turner) Empty Re: Ken Jones, HazelCraft, Wakefield (not Marsha Turner)

Post by NaomiM November 13th 2017, 10:42 am

We get there eventually Laughter

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32212
Location : Hampshire
Registration date : 2012-05-15

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Ken Jones, HazelCraft, Wakefield (not Marsha Turner) Empty Re: Ken Jones, HazelCraft, Wakefield (not Marsha Turner)

Post by NaomiM April 1st 2024, 9:32 pm

Ken Jones’ daughter says her father made these, not Masha Turner who appears to have just been a retailer in Batley, Yorkshire
"he was based in a studio in Wakefield and sold most of his work in the ridings shopping centre or wholesale to small shops and collectors."

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32212
Location : Hampshire
Registration date : 2012-05-15

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Ken Jones, HazelCraft, Wakefield (not Marsha Turner) Empty Re: Ken Jones, HazelCraft, Wakefield (not Marsha Turner)

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