Kilrush Ceramics (Ireland)

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Kilrush Ceramics (Ireland) Empty Kilrush Ceramics (Ireland)

Post by mr paige April 5th 2008, 6:12 pm

Kilrush Ceramics (Ireland) DSCF2611
Kilrush Ceramics (Ireland) DSCF2612
Marked 123/20
I find this vase notable due to it's WGP style marking. The '20' matches it's height in cm which, if it means this, would be odd for the R.O.I. The issue of German manufacturers in Ireland was covered on the other forum some time ago (summary:there was interest in setting up over there but it didn't happen), but this perhaps shows the influence of such visits or the 20 marking is just a coincidence with it meaning something else. Any ideas anyone?
mr paige
mr paige

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Kilrush Ceramics (Ireland) Empty Re: Kilrush Ceramics (Ireland)

Post by mr paige April 5th 2008, 11:17 pm

All I can find out is that it was set up in 1961 with the help of some German businessmen. So the influence was there from the beginning - intriguing stuff.
mr paige
mr paige

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Kilrush Ceramics (Ireland) Empty Vase, no: 123/25 - Kilrush potteries, Ireland.

Post by fixit_bear June 28th 2008, 7:19 pm

My best guess on this would be early U Keramic. Of course may not be German at all!! Anyone recognise it?

Kilrush Ceramics (Ireland) Dscn2720

Kilrush Ceramics (Ireland) Dscn2721


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Kilrush Ceramics (Ireland) Empty Re: Kilrush Ceramics (Ireland)

Post by Fennek June 29th 2008, 7:34 pm

Personally I'd say Strehla, but don't ask me why.

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Kilrush Ceramics (Ireland) Empty Kilrush Ceramics

Post by vanmann October 9th 2010, 10:14 am

I wonder if any one has any thoughts on this. I have seen on a thread here what appears to be this form and no. and have seen a similar pattern on a different form but all pieces I have seen have been marked with the Kilrush stamp. I am thinking that is from Kilrush and would appreciate any thoughts or confirmation

Kilrush Ceramics (Ireland) Ebay_o13

Kilrush Ceramics (Ireland) Ebay_o14

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Kilrush Ceramics (Ireland) Empty Re: Kilrush Ceramics (Ireland)

Post by big ed October 9th 2010, 2:59 pm

It would appear it was made in the republic of ireland and is just missing it's stamp, I have seen a few kilrush pieces and they have a strong german influence to them , it's possible they were imported from germany ( similar to the dee cee pots, )but their stamps do say made in ireland .
big ed
big ed

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Kilrush Ceramics (Ireland) Empty Re: Kilrush Ceramics (Ireland)

Post by vanmann October 9th 2010, 3:05 pm

I understood that Kilrush was established with help from German potters

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Kilrush Ceramics (Ireland) Empty Re: Kilrush Ceramics (Ireland)

Post by big ed October 9th 2010, 3:14 pm

Well , that would make sense.
big ed
big ed

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Kilrush Ceramics (Ireland) Empty Re: Kilrush Ceramics (Ireland)

Post by Davee October 9th 2010, 3:57 pm

There is a theory that a lot of the Kilrush shapes are also U-Keramik shapes and re-labeled as Ed says.

skay wrote: Happy Let's do some bumping please.

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Kilrush Ceramics (Ireland) Empty Re: Kilrush Ceramics (Ireland)

Post by kirkmodern May 28th 2011, 3:32 pm

Nabbed this vase today at a carboot for 1euro, I assumed it was W.German and only afterwards discovered the faded Kilrush backstamp. Living in Ireland I should be able to find out more - but so far no luck. The theory of German blanks or German design certainly feels correct.Kilrush Ceramics (Ireland) Img_2911

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Kilrush Ceramics (Ireland) Empty Re: Kilrush Ceramics (Ireland)

Post by Taylor Thomas May 28th 2011, 5:45 pm

I think Bistoboy might be able to shed some light on this.
Taylor Thomas
Taylor Thomas

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Kilrush Ceramics (Ireland) Empty Re: Kilrush Ceramics (Ireland)

Post by bistoboy May 28th 2011, 7:04 pm

i'm afraid i know about as much as every one else here, that is, what has already been said. That the Kilrush factory had a connection with a german factory, sharing a lot of the same mould shapes and form numbers. But the kilrush surface treatment appears to be unique to them and not simply imported goods from Germany with a Kilrush stamp put on the base.

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Kilrush Ceramics (Ireland) Empty Re: Kilrush Ceramics (Ireland)

Post by pie eater June 8th 2011, 11:19 pm

As a WGP collector I recently put a Kilrush piece down because although the base mould marks were pure WGP it had "Made in Republic of Ireland" Wish I'd picked it up now because it was really nice (perhaps tells us something of the snobbery of the WGP collector!) I think this blue vase is stunning and will never put Kilrush down again!
pie eater
pie eater

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Kilrush Ceramics (Ireland) Empty rainbow coloured vase with gloss finish

Post by Adam20 June 20th 2011, 2:07 pm

Kilrush Ceramics (Ireland) Img_1036

Kilrush Ceramics (Ireland) Img_1037

Nice vase wonder if its west german - any one know a maker or age range

Thanks Adam

Number of posts : 355
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Kilrush Ceramics (Ireland) Empty So similar Vase

Post by Adam20 June 22nd 2011, 6:35 pm

Kilrush Ceramics (Ireland) Img_1160

Kilrush Ceramics (Ireland) Img_1161

You would swear blind this was a smaler version of above vase but label tells a different story 'Kilrush made in Ireland'

Any Ideas

Thanks Adam

Number of posts : 355
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Kilrush Ceramics (Ireland) Empty Re: Kilrush Ceramics (Ireland)

Post by vhb64 June 22nd 2011, 7:02 pm

1st vase, what does the form number read ?

2nd vase shape and glaze possibly Uebelacker / West Germany , relabeled or produced by Kilrush.
Would you please post a base shot.

Thanks Volker

PS I can´t see very much on your pics. Maybe my age. Do you mind taking pictures with daylight and not against ? Please.

Last edited by vhb64 on June 22nd 2011, 7:11 pm; edited 1 time in total

Number of posts : 350
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Kilrush Ceramics (Ireland) Empty Re: Kilrush Ceramics (Ireland)

Post by big ed June 22nd 2011, 7:07 pm

this is our link with the kilrush ? ubelacker connection , best if you only post one vase at at time , it's all getting a bit muddled up here ., also if you use search it might help to give some info as well .
big ed
big ed

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Kilrush Ceramics (Ireland) Empty Kilrush Base

Post by Adam20 June 22nd 2011, 7:19 pm

Kilrush Ceramics (Ireland) Img_1163

Kilrush base - sorry its not too clear says 123 15

Sorry for unclear picture of first vase can't retake as its at another location but the base seems to say 123/20

Hope this helps and sorry for posting two different vases same thread thought it might help to compare - sorry

Number of posts : 355
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Kilrush Ceramics (Ireland) Empty Re: Kilrush Ceramics (Ireland)

Post by daveh55 May 31st 2012, 11:44 am

Kilrush Ceramics (Ireland) Imgp0419p://i45.servimg.c
om/u/f45/17/55/34/59/imgp0418.jpg" alt="" />

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Kilrush Ceramics (Ireland) Empty Re: Kilrush Ceramics (Ireland)

Post by daveh55 May 31st 2012, 11:58 am

Kilrush Ceramics (Ireland) Imgp0420

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Kilrush Ceramics (Ireland) Empty Re: Kilrush Ceramics (Ireland)

Post by vhb64 October 26th 2012, 9:00 pm

Originally an Übelacker = Ü Keramik piece but poss. executed for or by Kilrush potteries, Ireland.

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Kilrush Ceramics (Ireland) Empty Re: Kilrush Ceramics (Ireland)

Post by bistoboy January 4th 2014, 7:14 pm

hi all, had this email from someone called Otto connected to the Kilrush / Ubelacker factories:

"The endeavours of the County Clare to find investors in Western Germany for their country started in the late 50th. Here the whole story began. At this time I was already working for the „Keramikfabrik Uebelacker at Ransbach-Baumbach/Westerwald“. I became a general salesmanager and was it till 1989.

In 1960 about 100 young Irishmen came to Ransbach-B. and were trained in our factory as preparation for their later job in Kilrush. The Kilrush Ceramics was founded by the 3 Uebelacker Brothers, Mr. Kuechenmeister (businessman from Hanover, living in Eire), Mr. O’Solivan solicitor from Ennis, Mr. O’Driscall (former fighter for freedom in Eire) and some smaller shareholders from this area (including the County Clare??). The plant got the very best technical equipment in machinery constructed in Marktredwitz (Industrial center in Bavaria for Ceramic-machinery) and the moulds for the casting were all manufactured in Ransbach and then transported by boat from Koblenz to Kilrush harbour together with this machinery and other equipments. 2 of our best designers and our technical director spent then several months in Kilrush to give them support at the beginning with their knowledge and experiences.

What had the „Keramikfabrik Uebelacker“ (250 employees at that time) induced to settle down with a 2nd pottery factory in Eire?
o Favorable loans of the Irish government for the first 10 years,
o No or very low income tax for the first 5 years,
o Financial support for the mentioned 100 trainees,
o The possibility to export to UK and the Common Wealth at favorouble import duties and taxes.

But with all this the company failed after hardly 2 years, it was sold to „Thomas Porcelain Factory from Bavaria“ and also with the support of their mother-company „Rosenthal Porcelain Fatories“ they failed, too.

In 1999 I made a round-trip through Eire with my wife and we visited of course also Kilrush. That was my first trip to Kilrush and it was an emotional experience indeed.

Hope this will be interesting for some people"


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Kilrush Ceramics (Ireland) Empty Re: Kilrush Ceramics (Ireland)

Post by Davee January 4th 2014, 9:44 pm

Nice to have the real story at last. Bit worried about Mr O'Driscall's former occupation though!  Big Shock 

skay wrote: Happy Let's do some bumping please.

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Kilrush Ceramics (Ireland) Empty Re: Kilrush Ceramics (Ireland)

Post by NaomiM June 22nd 2015, 12:04 am

Another numbered 111/25

Kilrush Ceramics (Ireland) Image146 Kilrush Ceramics (Ireland) Image147

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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Kilrush Ceramics (Ireland) Empty Green & White Gloss Glaze Jug - Kilrush

Post by RVsaid July 24th 2015, 5:19 pm


I've had this style in small sphere and large vase but have forgotten who it was by. Serial number is high might read 1027 and approx 20 cm high hence /20. Speckled green stripes over white and gloss glazed.

Kilrush Ceramics (Ireland) Ajug10
Kilrush Ceramics (Ireland) Ajug110

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Kilrush Ceramics (Ireland) Empty Re: Kilrush Ceramics (Ireland)

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