A pair of glass lamps, can anyone suggest a manufacturer?

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A pair of glass lamps, can anyone suggest a manufacturer? Empty A pair of glass lamps, can anyone suggest a manufacturer?

Post by heygarth54 October 5th 2010, 4:17 pm

A pair of glass lamps, can anyone suggest a manufacturer? 213
I came across this pair of lamp bases today, they are 14in tall with an irridescent floral design, they have about half an inch of clear glass at the base and are fairly heavy. I have been unable to look at the base as they are firmly fitted to the wooden plinth. The main body colour of the glass is cream. Has anyone any ideas as to age or origin ? (they have recently been rewired).

Male Number of posts : 142
Age : 60
Location : Chester, Cheshire
Registration date : 2010-07-30

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A pair of glass lamps, can anyone suggest a manufacturer? Empty Re: A pair of glass lamps, can anyone suggest a manufacturer?

Post by Nic October 5th 2010, 4:31 pm

They look to be reverse-painted (painted on the inside of the glass, with the top highlights being painted first, and the background being applied last).

See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reverse_glass_painting

It's not really my field, so I'm not able to add any whos, wheres or whens - although they look quite Oriental to my eyes.

Male Number of posts : 2391
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A pair of glass lamps, can anyone suggest a manufacturer? Empty Re: A pair of glass lamps, can anyone suggest a manufacturer?

Post by heygarth54 October 5th 2010, 5:41 pm

Thanks for the info' Nic, I think you're right about them being reverse painted as they are totally smooth on the outside.

Male Number of posts : 142
Age : 60
Location : Chester, Cheshire
Registration date : 2010-07-30

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A pair of glass lamps, can anyone suggest a manufacturer? Empty Re: A pair of glass lamps, can anyone suggest a manufacturer?

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