Madonna - Anglia Pottery?

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Madonna - Anglia Pottery? Empty Madonna - Anglia Pottery?

Post by catlyn September 5th 2010, 2:04 pm

I acquired this with some other items, thought it was Lladro, but have narrowed it down to Anglia Pottery. Is this white colourway unusual? I have only come accross green before. It is marked AP 166 England and is about 23 cms high. It looks art deco but I don't think it's that old - any ideas?Madonna - Anglia Pottery? Dsc01812

Number of posts : 3
Location : Dorset
Registration date : 2010-09-05

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Madonna - Anglia Pottery? Empty Re: Madonna - Anglia Pottery?

Post by skay September 5th 2010, 2:59 pm

Hi catlyn, welcome to the forum Madonna - Anglia Pottery? 124209

May we please see a picture of the mark / base?

I've only seen the turquoise pieces as well, as in our Anglia Pottery thread:


Nic wrote:A WMF lady exposes her breasts at me every morning when I open the curtains

big ed wrote:Burt lancaster spat on me Sad

brin mcardle wrote:Probably no surprise...I love this

Taylor Thomas wrote:Have you got enough quotes Sue?

l33ham180 wrote:the wife wants massive

NaomiM wrote:...didn't even have the excuse it was for charity. Just liked his balls. Cheeky

dantheman wrote:I think it's shit

22 Crawford St. wrote:No one likes clowns.


Female Number of posts : 3324
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Madonna - Anglia Pottery? Empty ID Marks, Anglia Pottery

Post by catlyn September 5th 2010, 3:17 pm

Thanks for your reply - just found the other thread, should have searched first! These are the marks on the base. (apologies, haven't yet got the hang of image hosting!

[url=[url=]Madonna - Anglia Pottery? Dsc01816

[url=[url=]Madonna - Anglia Pottery? Dsc01817

Number of posts : 3
Location : Dorset
Registration date : 2010-09-05

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Madonna - Anglia Pottery? Empty Re: Madonna - Anglia Pottery?

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