Peter Wills

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big ed
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wills - Peter Wills Empty Peter Wills

Post by big ed May 29th 2010, 9:47 am
big ed
big ed

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wills - Peter Wills Empty Re: Peter Wills

Post by big ed May 29th 2010, 9:47 am
big ed
big ed

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wills - Peter Wills Empty Re: Peter Wills

Post by big ed May 29th 2010, 9:50 am

wills - Peter Wills 00615

Over 8" tall ,6" wide , probably an earlier piece.
big ed
big ed

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wills - Peter Wills Empty Re: Peter Wills

Post by big ed May 29th 2010, 9:51 am

wills - Peter Wills 00420

Impressed seal mark.
big ed
big ed

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wills - Peter Wills Empty Re: Peter Wills

Post by big ed May 29th 2010, 9:52 am

wills - Peter Wills 00815

Signed base signature.
big ed
big ed

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wills - Peter Wills Empty Re: Peter Wills

Post by big ed May 29th 2010, 9:53 am

wills - Peter Wills 00115

amazing aqua blue glaze , hand thrown piece.
big ed
big ed

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wills - Peter Wills Empty Re: Peter Wills

Post by big ed May 30th 2010, 9:06 am

This an email from Paul .
The clay body was a blend of mine which I believe from memory (no
records of this period are to hand currently as all in storage)was equal
parts China Clay: Ball Clay : Molochite (which if you don't know is a
very pure white firing grog, the flecks of which are very prominent in
your piece and give the texture to the surface). The glaze is high in
Barium Carbonate which gives the strong purple blue and other colours to
in combination with Copper Oxide. Again no records to hand but I believe
this was probably made in the early 1990's.

Best wishes

Peter Wills
big ed
big ed

Male Number of posts : 11871
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wills - Peter Wills Empty Re: Peter Wills

Post by big ed May 30th 2010, 9:07 am

Just thought of a couple of extra thing you may find interesting. The
pot is made in two parts, main body and foot which would have been
joined. The form was partly inspired by the work of Derek Davis (Artist
potter from Arundel, Sussex) The use of the stamp from Japanese potters
on the "front" influenced from Colin Pearson's work. The painted
signature on the base again inspired by Derek Davis. I long ago gave up
clumsy attempts at painting my signature it is now always incised; if
you haven't already seen them there are some good pictures of this on
the Oxford Ceramics web site.

best wishes

big ed
big ed

Male Number of posts : 11871
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wills - Peter Wills Empty Re: Peter Wills

Post by big ed April 23rd 2011, 7:16 am

Yes Thanks Nik , I have seen these , they are very well made ,but I can't seem to find another in the style of the one IV'e got
big ed
big ed

Male Number of posts : 11871
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wills - Peter Wills Empty Re: Peter Wills

Post by flying free April 23rd 2011, 8:21 am

Ed there is a contact email address on this page??? you can contact him and ask I guess
flying free
flying free

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wills - Peter Wills Empty Re: Peter Wills

Post by big ed April 23rd 2011, 11:38 am

Thanks m , you are right , I have spoke to him before ,I didn't want to bother him again , he was very helpful though ,so I will ask him and see if he has done anything else like this one , Most Excellent
big ed
big ed

Male Number of posts : 11871
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wills - Peter Wills Empty Modernist? shallow footed bowl, marked and signed peter wills

Post by kitling November 30th 2013, 2:54 am

I was wondering if you knowledgeable people could possibly identify this shallow footed bowl? It is marked and signed. To my untutored eyes, it reminded me a little bit of the shallow footed bowls of Lucie Rie. (Though obviously I know it's not hers - just that it reminded me a bit of them in shape and colouring.) Any hints or info would be v.much appreciated. It belongs to a friend and I'm curious. Photos of marks below.

Thanks in advance!

wills - Peter Wills Bowl_111
wills - Peter Wills <a href=wills - Peter Wills Bowl_210
wills - Peter Wills <a href=wills - Peter Wills Bowl_311
wills - Peter Wills <a href=wills - Peter Wills Bowl_411

Last edited by dantheman on November 30th 2013, 11:07 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : photos did not upload properly first time)

Number of posts : 5
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wills - Peter Wills Empty Re: Peter Wills

Post by styleinvasion November 30th 2013, 9:52 am

wills - Peter Wills Bowl_111

wills - Peter Wills Bowl_210

wills - Peter Wills Bowl_311

wills - Peter Wills Bowl_411


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wills - Peter Wills Empty Re: Peter Wills

Post by kitling November 30th 2013, 12:24 pm

Thanks guys - yes it is a pity about the cracks. I'll let my friend's family know that it's Peter Wills. It was in the spare bedroom where I was sleeping and I was rather taken by it but it was a present from years ago and they couldn't remember who it was by.

I've been looking at his other stuff just now and they're lovely. I covet the bright turquoise ones here:

Also, sorry I thought the thumbnails were linked to a bigger picture. Thanks styleinvasion for reposting them.


Number of posts : 5
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wills - Peter Wills Empty Re: Peter Wills

Post by davecataloguer January 19th 2015, 9:29 pm

wills - Peter Wills 85_10

Further to earlier posts, he is still making, I commissioned this off him at the end of last year and he could not have been nicer, do buy his work, he deserves our support and the work absolutely merits it! Oxford Ceramics and Bath Contemporary are his main stockists.

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wills - Peter Wills Empty Re: Peter Wills

Post by davecataloguer January 19th 2015, 9:30 pm

wills - Peter Wills 86_10
I couldn't resist this one at the same time, stunning glaze!

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wills - Peter Wills Empty Re: Peter Wills

Post by philpot November 29th 2017, 7:47 am

wills - Peter Wills Img_7111

These are from Primavera, the Cambridge Craft shop in King's Parade.

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wills - Peter Wills Empty Re: Peter Wills

Post by philpot November 29th 2017, 8:48 am

This is one we have had for a while. and which takes pride of place in the hall. That vivid blue band is simply gorgeous. As Dan said those years ago, A Very talented potter. This is one of the largest if his we have seen, 33 cms diameter, 18 cms high.It feels as though it might be made of the type of grog mixture that Peter Wills describes  in his e-mail.wills - Peter Wills Img_7112

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wills - Peter Wills Empty Re: Peter Wills

Post by philpot November 29th 2017, 8:49 am

Side view of the above bowl.wills - Peter Wills Img_7113

Number of posts : 6735
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wills - Peter Wills Empty Re: Peter Wills

Post by philpot February 9th 2020, 7:46 pm

wills - Peter Wills Img_3928wills - Peter Wills Img_3929wills - Peter Wills Img_3930

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wills - Peter Wills Empty Re: Peter Wills

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