IE mark and CZ mark - Claire and Karen Gibson and Zona Crilly

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IE mark and CZ mark -  Claire and Karen Gibson and Zona Crilly Empty IE mark and CZ mark - Claire and Karen Gibson and Zona Crilly

Post by Davee May 28th 2010, 3:51 pm

Admin wrote:By Claire and Karen Gibson and Zona Crilly
Earth Form Ceramics, Red Earth Designs
2001- Unit 15 Townsend Enterprise Park, Townsend Street, Belfast, County Antrim, Northern Ireland
Sisters Claire and Karen Gibson, and Zona Crilly, set up Earth Form Ceramics. When Zona left they changed the name to Red Earth Designs

IE mark and CZ mark -  Claire and Karen Gibson and Zona Crilly 00119  IE mark and CZ mark -  Claire and Karen Gibson and Zona Crilly 00223  IE mark and CZ mark -  Claire and Karen Gibson and Zona Crilly 00325

Male Number of posts : 2205
Age : 54
Location : West Mids UK
Registration date : 2009-07-26

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