H mark RR mark - John Reeve, Longlands Pottery

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H mark RR mark - John Reeve, Longlands Pottery Empty H mark RR mark - John Reeve, Longlands Pottery

Post by rbrown May 26th 2010, 9:48 pm

Admin wrote:By John Reeve, Longlands Pottery

I am new to this forum and need some help with id for this vase of mine. It's size is 7" high, 6" at widest point and 3.1/4" deep.

Lovely item and quite heavy. Fully stamped with 2 marks as per pic and additionally with letters that look like "TS" above the top stamp.

Kind regards and thanks in advance for any help.


H mark RR mark - John Reeve, Longlands Pottery Studio18

H mark RR mark - John Reeve, Longlands Pottery Studio19

Male Number of posts : 147
Location : england
Registration date : 2010-05-26

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