studio pot, JM mark & trident or LE mark, John Morris, Conwy Pottery maybe

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studio pot, JM mark & trident or LE mark, John Morris, Conwy Pottery maybe Empty studio pot, JM mark & trident or LE mark, John Morris, Conwy Pottery maybe

Post by bistoboy February 17th 2010, 1:07 pm

studio pot, JM mark & trident or LE mark, John Morris, Conwy Pottery maybe Bottle10

studio pot, JM mark & trident or LE mark, John Morris, Conwy Pottery maybe Bottle11

can't seem to work out the impressed marks - one looks a bit like Valerie Rees (the Trident Pottery) but not sure about the other. I haven't found any info about the Trident pottery on the web apart from their address.

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studio pot, JM mark & trident or LE mark, John Morris, Conwy Pottery maybe Empty Re: studio pot, JM mark & trident or LE mark, John Morris, Conwy Pottery maybe

Post by dantheman February 17th 2010, 1:24 pm

looks like a phoenix to me

'Edith Swan takes it up the Swanee and she loves it more than Christmas day.'

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studio pot, JM mark & trident or LE mark, John Morris, Conwy Pottery maybe Empty Re: studio pot, JM mark & trident or LE mark, John Morris, Conwy Pottery maybe

Post by gareth-h February 19th 2010, 11:47 pm

I think it's Conway Pottery, and the JM is for John Morris

Male Number of posts : 334
Location : Witham, Essex
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studio pot, JM mark & trident or LE mark, John Morris, Conwy Pottery maybe Empty Re: studio pot, JM mark & trident or LE mark, John Morris, Conwy Pottery maybe

Post by dantheman February 20th 2010, 8:18 am

well done Gareth,will you be at Peterborough next month?

'Edith Swan takes it up the Swanee and she loves it more than Christmas day.'

Male Number of posts : 15411
Location : Lincolnshire ( the veg patch of England)
Registration date : 2008-02-03

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studio pot, JM mark & trident or LE mark, John Morris, Conwy Pottery maybe Empty Re: studio pot, JM mark & trident or LE mark, John Morris, Conwy Pottery maybe

Post by gareth-h February 20th 2010, 5:13 pm

Yes, I'll be there. Down in the cowsheds.

Male Number of posts : 334
Location : Witham, Essex
Registration date : 2009-03-27

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studio pot, JM mark & trident or LE mark, John Morris, Conwy Pottery maybe Empty Re: studio pot, JM mark & trident or LE mark, John Morris, Conwy Pottery maybe

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