Tigo Ware reproduction?

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Tigo Ware reproduction? Empty Tigo Ware reproduction?

Post by buzzablinio November 13th 2009, 12:38 pm

Just seen this plate on ebay which is like a 'spot the difference' version of my own same plate ... I know these plates are limited but I thought they were still 'mass produced' ... so what is this one?


and here is mine...

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Tigo Ware reproduction? Empty Re: Tigo Ware reproduction?

Post by Pip November 13th 2009, 2:12 pm

What makes you think it's a 'reproduction'? I don't understand your point sorry ...

Text & photographs ©️ Pip Harris
20th Century Retro/Vintage Ceramics & Glass

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Tigo Ware reproduction? Empty Re: Tigo Ware reproduction?

Post by dantheman November 13th 2009, 2:14 pm

100% positive feedback and a big seller?

'Edith Swan takes it up the Swanee and she loves it more than Christmas day.'

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Tigo Ware reproduction? Empty Re: Tigo Ware reproduction?

Post by big ed November 13th 2009, 3:57 pm

I don't understand the question either , I believe Tigo ware had a label , and stamped made in england .
big ed
big ed

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Tigo Ware reproduction? Empty Re: Tigo Ware reproduction?

Post by Pip November 13th 2009, 4:20 pm

It looks OK to me as a piece of Denby Tigoware - the mark on the back looks fine too.

Tigo Ware reproduction? 466571

Text & photographs ©️ Pip Harris
20th Century Retro/Vintage Ceramics & Glass

Female Number of posts : 3322
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Tigo Ware reproduction? Empty Re: Tigo Ware reproduction?

Post by buzzablinio November 13th 2009, 8:40 pm

I question it because the design (Rendezvous), differs from my own. The one I have is identical to the one pictured in 'Ceramics of the 1950s' by Graham McLaren. I presume (possibly incorrectly) that the design of the plate would be repeated for however many were made and each would be identical. I will try and post the images again so you can see what I mean...

ebay plate;
Tigo Ware reproduction? Ebayti10

my plate;

Last edited by buzzablinio on November 13th 2009, 8:41 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : wrong image)

Number of posts : 9
Location : Worcestershire
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Tigo Ware reproduction? Empty Re: Tigo Ware reproduction?

Post by buzzablinio November 13th 2009, 8:44 pm

3rd time lucky ... You can see the detail in mine is much finer, the background, the border, it's just generally better... the ebay one just looks to me like a poor copy ... or put it another way ... look at the two plates ... if you had to choose one, which would you pick?

ebay plate;

Tigo Ware reproduction? Ebayti13

My plate;

Tigo Ware reproduction? Mytigo12

Number of posts : 9
Location : Worcestershire
Registration date : 2009-07-28

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Tigo Ware reproduction? Empty Re: Tigo Ware reproduction?

Post by dantheman November 13th 2009, 8:49 pm

I see your point,I am used to seeing the design and colour on your plate,the ebay plate looks to be of inferior quality?

'Edith Swan takes it up the Swanee and she loves it more than Christmas day.'

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Tigo Ware reproduction? Empty Re: Tigo Ware reproduction?

Post by Pip November 13th 2009, 8:52 pm

I suspect the differences are down to something much more mundane - i.e. different batches of glazes, perhaps even different artists/workers. I know of no reproductions, fakes or copies and would suggest that the range itself is fairly obscure to most people and doesn't command high enough prices to warrant being copied or faked.

Text & photographs ©️ Pip Harris
20th Century Retro/Vintage Ceramics & Glass

Female Number of posts : 3322
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Tigo Ware reproduction? Empty Re: Tigo Ware reproduction?

Post by Pip November 13th 2009, 8:53 pm

FWIW the piece of Tigoware I once owned was black (not brown).

Text & photographs ©️ Pip Harris
20th Century Retro/Vintage Ceramics & Glass

Female Number of posts : 3322
Registration date : 2008-02-02


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Tigo Ware reproduction? Empty Re: Tigo Ware reproduction?

Post by dantheman November 13th 2009, 9:01 pm

my guess is that the brown was earlier production

'Edith Swan takes it up the Swanee and she loves it more than Christmas day.'

Male Number of posts : 15397
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Tigo Ware reproduction? Empty Re: Tigo Ware reproduction?

Post by big ed November 13th 2009, 10:08 pm

In my view the black plate is very badly drawn compare to yours , however as pip says ,tigo ware was supposed to be black and white , but I don't know enough about this ware apart from what's in 20th century ceramics book .
big ed
big ed

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Tigo Ware reproduction? Empty Re: Tigo Ware reproduction?

Post by buzzablinio November 16th 2009, 12:30 pm

Well, I am curious, particularly as the 'bad copy' went for £310. I have written to Denby so will post here as soon as/if I get a reply.

The more I look at the ebay plate the worse it appears - it is like someone has tried to create the same design from memory - there are so many discrepencies, if it is from Denby then shame on them but I don't believe Denby would allow such substandard ware out - particularly if it still had the name of Tibor Reich associated with it.

Look at the detail of the eyes just as one point - the ebay plate has lost so much symbolism that is in the finer detail of my own piece - I just can't believe it's the genuine article.

Number of posts : 9
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Tigo Ware reproduction? Empty Re: Tigo Ware reproduction?

Post by Waretigo January 4th 2010, 10:21 pm

Just noticed this post.... I agree with buzzablinio. I was interested in the ebay plate until I noticed the very significant differences to the Rendevous plate images found in the Denby Pottery book. I would possibly anticipate some slight diffrences between Denby issued plaques but I felt the ebay plate was probably a copy based on the lack of detail all over the plate. Interestingly, another related plaque recently sold on ebay was exactly the same as one found in the Denby book. I think it went for nearer to £500. Would be definately be interested in what Denby have to say.

For info. Tibor Reich apparently worked with a local Stratford Pottery in the early 1950s to bring out some early designs prior to collaborating with Denby.

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Tigo Ware reproduction? Empty Re: Tigo Ware reproduction?

Post by buzzablinio January 4th 2010, 11:52 pm

Unfortunately Denby don't seem to be in any rush to reply ... I'll email them again but won't be holding my breath Tigo Ware reproduction? 466571

Number of posts : 9
Location : Worcestershire
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Tigo Ware reproduction? Empty Re: Tigo Ware reproduction?

Post by Pip January 5th 2010, 9:49 am

Oh dear - so now it looks like there's someone faking blerdy Denby! There seems to have been a marked rise in mid-century design fakes over the past year or so ....

Text & photographs ©️ Pip Harris
20th Century Retro/Vintage Ceramics & Glass

Female Number of posts : 3322
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Tigo Ware reproduction? Empty Re: Tigo Ware reproduction?

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