How do you display your collection?

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How do you display your collection? Empty collections

Post by dantheman July 22nd 2009, 2:34 pm

Yesterday it rained all day long so I cleaned some of my cabinets and pottery,here are some pics.

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'Edith Swan takes it up the Swanee and she loves it more than Christmas day.'

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How do you display your collection? Empty Re: How do you display your collection?

Post by potty4poole August 6th 2009, 6:44 pm

Very well, here's a few favourites from My Atlantis Collection.

How do you display your collection? Dscf4510

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How do you display your collection? Empty How do you display your collection?

Post by dantheman October 30th 2009, 10:13 am

I suffer from the well known problem that all pottery collectors can relate to (apart from those with huge homes) how do I display all of my lovely collection?
I have bought a bigger home to accomodate mine and have bought several display cabinets but still the cupboards are full of wonderful treasures that rarely see the light of day.
Have you found good ways to show off your collection? I know Ed has some lovely cabinets I look forward to seeing lots more pics soon.
Please post your pics here

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'Edith Swan takes it up the Swanee and she loves it more than Christmas day.'

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How do you display your collection? Empty Re: How do you display your collection?

Post by dantheman October 30th 2009, 10:56 am

here's a "before" one from my house

How do you display your collection? Collec11

'Edith Swan takes it up the Swanee and she loves it more than Christmas day.'

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How do you display your collection? Empty Re: How do you display your collection?

Post by big ed October 30th 2009, 1:02 pm

I like to work on a sort of rotation system , if I have stuff hidden away for a while and Iv'e gotten a little tired of certain pieces i will display them , we have three double cabinets and three single all glass cabinets ,we only have a small house as well , 3 bedrooms etc.but I have only about 150 or so pieces at any one time as i am flogging quite a lot at this time of year , my ideal would be to have about 50-100 real quality pieces ,both for investment and to look at , if i had thousands of pieces I would go nuts , quality more than quantity is the best IMO, I like selling and then going out and collecting again on a different quest .
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big ed

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How do you display your collection? Empty Re: How do you display your collection?

Post by big ed October 30th 2009, 1:08 pm

How do you display your collection? 00318

This another good idea you might like to try Dan , kath bought these little perspex shelf thingys on Ebay (about £12), she collects royal copenhagen santas , when they were on the shelf flat you could not see them but put in the shelf and voila , you will display the smaller items you have much better with this tier system , Ed
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How do you display your collection? Empty Re: How do you display your collection?

Post by bistoboy April 5th 2010, 10:57 pm

took a leaf out of Dan's book and took myself off to Ikea to buy some new display cabinets. They're the simple but effective Detolf glass ones, and i'm very pleased with them How do you display your collection? 314189 Will probably need about 5 or six more for the rest of my collection and don't know where on earth i'm going to put them all.

Now all i need to do is get rid of the hideous wallpaper scheme that we inherited from the last owners of the flat (we've been here over 3 years now and still not got round to redecorating that room).

How do you display your collection? Collec10

How do you display your collection? Collec11

How do you display your collection? Collec12

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How do you display your collection? Empty Re: How do you display your collection?

Post by dantheman April 6th 2010, 12:25 pm

well worth the investment,anyone with a good collection should display it well, I get much more pleasure from mine since I bought all of those cheap Ikea cabinets

'Edith Swan takes it up the Swanee and she loves it more than Christmas day.'

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How do you display your collection? Empty Re: How do you display your collection?

Post by bistoboy April 6th 2010, 9:48 pm

Davee wrote:Looks fantastic, are you sure its not the bisto room at the V&A How do you display your collection? 212118

don't know about the V&A, but i have thought of leaving my collection to the Potteries museum in Stoke should anything happen to me! How do you display your collection? 251716

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How do you display your collection? Empty Re: How do you display your collection?

Post by Davee April 18th 2010, 6:20 pm

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How do you display your collection? Empty Re: How do you display your collection?

Post by big ed May 3rd 2010, 1:28 pm

How do you display your collection? 00113
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How do you display your collection? Empty Re: How do you display your collection?

Post by ev May 9th 2010, 6:42 am

I really collect New Zealand Studio pottery and as this little lot is mostly New Zealand Commercial pottery of days gone by -
it has a place of it's own away from the studio crowd. It's a good place to keep some old family pics too ;)
How do you display your collection? Leadli10

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How do you display your collection? Empty Re: How do you display your collection?

Post by dantheman May 11th 2010, 3:05 pm

How do you display your collection? 00610
How do you display your collection? 00510

bits n bobs display cabinet

'Edith Swan takes it up the Swanee and she loves it more than Christmas day.'

Male Number of posts : 15398
Location : Lincolnshire ( the veg patch of England)
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How do you display your collection? Empty Re: How do you display your collection?

Post by truk10 May 13th 2010, 2:04 pm

ev wrote:I really collect New Zealand Studio pottery and as this little lot is mostly New Zealand Commercial pottery of days gone by -
it has a place of it's own away from the studio crowd. It's a good place to keep some old family pics too ;)
How do you display your collection? Leadli10


Good to see another kiwi has make the forum. Good spot on the Dorothy Thorpe coffee pot. I'm a great believer in using the pottery you collect so a indulgence of mine is using a ball-handled Monterray set as
tableware (only one mishap so far). The Shufflebothamesque vases are Keith Murray - I sold off a reasonable collection of hand-potted Crown Lynn when I left NZ which was a bit of a wrench so decided that collecting Keith Murray over here was the way to go.

Great to see your Crown Lynn collection .... but do I note one of the infamous ginger jars lower left? How do you display your collection? 212118

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How do you display your collection? Empty Re: How do you display your collection?

Post by ev May 14th 2010, 10:10 am

Wow! - we don't see many Keith Murray pieces down here! John Parker adds a tribute to Keith and Ernie at his exhibitions these days :) Your keen eye noticed the Crown Lynn ginger jar! Yes I'm a believer :D Having a pottery background helped me sort out that one for myself. Can you spot the Wharetana piece?

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How do you display your collection? Empty Re: How do you display your collection?

Post by tenpot May 14th 2010, 11:44 am

hey Kiwis lets see your Keith Murrays here please

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How do you display your collection? Empty Re: How do you display your collection?

Post by dantheman June 13th 2010, 11:24 am

How do you display your collection? Poole11

Poole plates can be displayed in very pleasing ways if you have imagination

'Edith Swan takes it up the Swanee and she loves it more than Christmas day.'

Male Number of posts : 15398
Location : Lincolnshire ( the veg patch of England)
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How do you display your collection? Empty Re: How do you display your collection?

Post by flying free June 25th 2010, 7:56 pm

all over the house in groups like this
However we are now talking about getting some display shelving. But that could take forever for us to agree on How do you display your collection? 88711

How do you display your collection? Stripe10

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flying free

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How do you display your collection? Empty Re: How do you display your collection?

Post by dantheman June 25th 2010, 10:09 pm

the red orange and green vases look great as a group

'Edith Swan takes it up the Swanee and she loves it more than Christmas day.'

Male Number of posts : 15398
Location : Lincolnshire ( the veg patch of England)
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How do you display your collection? Empty Re: How do you display your collection?

Post by flying free June 26th 2010, 7:40 pm

Thanks Ed - yes it's the perfect vase for Gladioli as well. The green one at the front is a Carstens (I think), some of the very few vases I own that I can actually identify.
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flying free

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How do you display your collection? Empty Re: How do you display your collection?

Post by l33ham180 June 28th 2010, 7:39 am

How do you display your collection? Wedgwo12

here is my new crisp packet along with some #81's. a small part of my ever growing collection

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How do you display your collection? Empty Re: How do you display your collection?

Post by 20th-centuryboy July 9th 2010, 1:58 pm

truk10 wrote:Hiya

You guessed correctly - it was either children or vases and vases won.

Great collection of Keith Murray. I'm particularly liking the middle shelf with the small blue shoulder vase and the grey conical bowl. What's the size of the bowl - it isn't one of the 7.5 inch heigh by 10 inch wide ones?

Yep! although it's actually more like 7 inches by 9.75 inches, started collecting pre kids but have only bought about 3 pieces since. Having kids is like severing a cash artery!! My collecting fix is now restricted budget wise to bargain finds at the local flea market and car boot sales. Gone are the days of blowing £500 at Newark or in an auction!

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How do you display your collection? Empty Re: How do you display your collection?

Post by truk10 July 9th 2010, 5:21 pm

What a great piece to have ! Rare enough in the extra-large size, but having it in grey as well. I can understand why the kids aren't allowed to even breath in the same room.

My constraining factor at the moment is the other half who has implemented a "one in, one out" policy over my collecting. Having to decide what I'm prepared to give up to purchase another piece is curtailing a lot of my activity.

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How do you display your collection? Empty Re: How do you display your collection?

Post by dantheman July 9th 2010, 5:30 pm

I was once told it's a good idea to sell the piece you love most and then the rest of the sales are easy

so what do you want to sell me Kurt? How do you display your collection? 88589

'Edith Swan takes it up the Swanee and she loves it more than Christmas day.'

Male Number of posts : 15398
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How do you display your collection? Empty Re: How do you display your collection?

Post by big ed July 19th 2010, 9:19 pm

How do you display your collection? 00210

I had a little shuffle around of some pots today and think these studio pieces go quite well together .
big ed
big ed

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