Can anyone help identify the maker of this bottle vase,

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Can anyone help identify the maker of this bottle vase, Empty Can anyone help identify the maker of this bottle vase,

Post by sarah3645 January 9th 2025, 7:05 pm

Cannot make out what the mark is. Any help appreciated thank youCan anyone help identify the maker of this bottle vase, Img_5411
Can anyone help identify the maker of this bottle vase, Img_5412
Can anyone help identify the maker of this bottle vase, Img_5410

Number of posts : 177
Location : Cheshire
Registration date : 2020-07-21

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Can anyone help identify the maker of this bottle vase, Empty Re: Can anyone help identify the maker of this bottle vase,

Post by NaomiM January 9th 2025, 10:09 pm

It looks a bit like an early Simon Rich. I’m wondering if the mark is nine shillings

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32664
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Can anyone help identify the maker of this bottle vase, Empty Re: Can anyone help identify the maker of this bottle vase,

Post by sarah3645 January 10th 2025, 6:48 am

Many thanks will have a look 👍

Number of posts : 177
Location : Cheshire
Registration date : 2020-07-21

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Can anyone help identify the maker of this bottle vase, Empty Re: Can anyone help identify the maker of this bottle vase,

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