ID if possible maker of these goblets

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ID if possible maker of these goblets Empty ID if possible maker of these goblets

Post by carolalev January 6th 2025, 4:51 pm

I like a goblet, me.
These have no name on them that I can find.

They were in a mixed lot labelled "Welsh" but some stuff was misattributed.

I had a vase with similar oatmeal/ red glaze by Don Glanville - but it seems several people used similar glazes.

Grateful for any ideas.

ID if possible maker of these goblets Pxl_2031
ID if possible maker of these goblets Pxl_2032
ID if possible maker of these goblets Pxl_2033

Last edited by carolalev on January 7th 2025, 4:30 pm; edited 1 time in total

Female Number of posts : 309
Location : Brecon Beacons
Registration date : 2019-03-17

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ID if possible maker of these goblets Empty Re: ID if possible maker of these goblets

Post by studio-pots January 7th 2025, 2:37 pm

Goblets were a fashion in the 1970s here in UK when everyone wanted hand made functional wares for entertaining, in order to be "on trend".

It meant that hundreds of art students became potters for a few years and then disappeared to do other things. Therefore the chance of finding the actual makers of such things is slim or none............................ and, as they say, "Slim is out of town".

Now you should know by now that Potty and I need to see your bottom - we're funny that way!

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ID if possible maker of these goblets Empty Re: ID if possible maker of these goblets

Post by NaomiM January 7th 2025, 3:35 pm

Looks professionally made but unfortunately goblets are rarely marked

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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ID if possible maker of these goblets Empty Re: ID if possible maker of these goblets

Post by carolalev January 7th 2025, 4:30 pm

They are nice and tight. And the "free" symbol is pretty consistent.

Female Number of posts : 309
Location : Brecon Beacons
Registration date : 2019-03-17

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ID if possible maker of these goblets Empty Re: ID if possible maker of these goblets

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