Celadon Ware Bowl, G mark, Identification Please
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Celadon Ware Bowl, G mark, Identification Please
![Celadon Ware Bowl, G mark, Identification Please Img_8711](https://i.servimg.com/u/f94/20/59/75/32/img_8711.jpg)
![Celadon Ware Bowl, G mark, Identification Please Img_8712](https://i.servimg.com/u/f94/20/59/75/32/img_8712.jpg)
![Celadon Ware Bowl, G mark, Identification Please Img_6510](https://i.servimg.com/u/f94/20/59/75/32/img_6510.jpg)
I bought a job lot of studio pottery at auction recently and this bowl was in it.
I really like it and feel it has something about it but can't get any where with identification. There are two impressed marks, a G in a hexagon and maybe a B or R, also XIV incised on the foot rim.
Any suggestions appreciated.
Willow Studio Pottery- Number of posts : 4
Location : Shropshire
Registration date : 2025-01-04
Re: Celadon Ware Bowl, G mark, Identification Please
Lovely bowl. Closest I can find is Gill McCubbin but it might not be her style of pottery
Carrot cake is just fake cake
Re: Celadon Ware Bowl, G mark, Identification Please
Thanks for that suggestion though I think I agree it's maybe not her style.
Feels to me like a 1960's piece...
Feels to me like a 1960's piece...
Willow Studio Pottery- Number of posts : 4
Location : Shropshire
Registration date : 2025-01-04
Re: Celadon Ware Bowl, G mark, Identification Please
Looks like someone influenced by Japanese pottery. Might be a USA potter
Carrot cake is just fake cake
Re: Celadon Ware Bowl, G mark, Identification Please
Yes, thanks, I had a look on the Marks Project website yesterday but no luck there. I'll keep looking!
Willow Studio Pottery- Number of posts : 4
Location : Shropshire
Registration date : 2025-01-04
Re: Celadon Ware Bowl, G mark, Identification Please
I can't see the marks very well but might the G have a very tiny w in the middle of it and the other mark be AP ?
AP being the early mark for Geoffrey Whiting's Avoncroft Pottery near Droitwich, which isn't far from where you live.
AP being the early mark for Geoffrey Whiting's Avoncroft Pottery near Droitwich, which isn't far from where you live.
Now you should know by now that Potty and I need to see your bottom - we're funny that way!
Willow Studio Pottery- Number of posts : 4
Location : Shropshire
Registration date : 2025-01-04
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