Celadon Ware Bowl, G mark, Identification Please

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Celadon Ware Bowl, G mark, Identification Please Empty Celadon Ware Bowl, G mark, Identification Please

Post by Willow Studio Pottery January 4th 2025, 10:36 am

Celadon Ware Bowl, G mark, Identification Please Img_8711
Celadon Ware Bowl, G mark, Identification Please Img_8712
Celadon Ware Bowl, G mark, Identification Please Img_6510

I bought a job lot of studio pottery at auction recently and this bowl was in it.
I really like it and feel it has something about it but can't get any where with identification. There are two impressed marks, a G in a hexagon and maybe a B or R, also XIV incised on the foot rim.
Any suggestions appreciated.
Willow Studio Pottery
Willow Studio Pottery

Number of posts : 4
Location : Shropshire
Registration date : 2025-01-04

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Celadon Ware Bowl, G mark, Identification Please Empty Re: Celadon Ware Bowl, G mark, Identification Please

Post by NaomiM January 4th 2025, 11:59 am

Lovely bowl. Closest I can find is Gill McCubbin but it might not be her style of pottery

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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Celadon Ware Bowl, G mark, Identification Please Empty Re: Celadon Ware Bowl, G mark, Identification Please

Post by Willow Studio Pottery January 4th 2025, 12:14 pm

Thanks for that suggestion though I think I agree it's maybe not her style.
Feels to me like a 1960's piece...
Willow Studio Pottery
Willow Studio Pottery

Number of posts : 4
Location : Shropshire
Registration date : 2025-01-04

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Celadon Ware Bowl, G mark, Identification Please Empty Re: Celadon Ware Bowl, G mark, Identification Please

Post by NaomiM January 4th 2025, 2:08 pm

Looks like someone influenced by Japanese pottery. Might be a USA potter

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32664
Location : Hampshire
Registration date : 2012-05-15


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Celadon Ware Bowl, G mark, Identification Please Empty Re: Celadon Ware Bowl, G mark, Identification Please

Post by Willow Studio Pottery January 4th 2025, 3:04 pm

Yes, thanks, I had a look on the Marks Project website yesterday but no luck there. I'll keep looking!
Willow Studio Pottery
Willow Studio Pottery

Number of posts : 4
Location : Shropshire
Registration date : 2025-01-04

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Celadon Ware Bowl, G mark, Identification Please Empty Re: Celadon Ware Bowl, G mark, Identification Please

Post by studio-pots January 4th 2025, 5:45 pm

I can't see the marks very well but might the G have a very tiny w in the middle of it and the other mark be AP ?

AP being the early mark for Geoffrey Whiting's Avoncroft Pottery near Droitwich, which isn't far from where you live.

Now you should know by now that Potty and I need to see your bottom - we're funny that way!

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Celadon Ware Bowl, G mark, Identification Please Empty Re: Celadon Ware Bowl, G mark, Identification Please

Post by Willow Studio Pottery January 4th 2025, 6:28 pm

Funnily enough Geoffrey Whiting was my first thought. There does seem to be something in the middle of the G, I have added a couple more images of the marks with some charcoal rubbed on them - don't really know if it helps or not.
The decoration didn't seem right for Geoffrey Whiting..
Celadon Ware Bowl, G mark, Identification Please Img_6512
Celadon Ware Bowl, G mark, Identification Please Img_6511
Willow Studio Pottery
Willow Studio Pottery

Number of posts : 4
Location : Shropshire
Registration date : 2025-01-04

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Celadon Ware Bowl, G mark, Identification Please Empty Re: Celadon Ware Bowl, G mark, Identification Please

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