Brown and blue etched glass vase

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Brown and blue etched glass vase  Empty Brown and blue etched glass vase

Post by jamie December 30th 2024, 6:27 pm

Hi there! I’m looking for some information on this vase? I can’t find any information on it on Pinterest or google? It’s brown glass on the outside of blue glass and it’s carved and the blue is then frosted. There’s no marks and I’m wondering if it’s modern or vintage?
Thanks for your help
Jamie Brown and blue etched glass vase  Img_1315
Brown and blue etched glass vase  Img_1313
Brown and blue etched glass vase  Img_1314Brown and blue etched glass vase  Img_1316

Number of posts : 42
Location : Essex
Registration date : 2023-07-02

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Brown and blue etched glass vase  Empty Re: Brown and blue etched glass vase

Post by NaomiM December 31st 2024, 2:06 pm

I think the lines are cut on a wheel. Possibly made in India

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