Help identifying this Sake set - Japanese table ware

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Help identifying this Sake set - Japanese table ware Empty Help identifying this Sake set - Japanese table ware

Post by TimeWaits December 16th 2024, 4:23 am

I acquired this Sake set that has a metallic silver glaze.  I'm trying to identify the maker. Any help would be appreciated.Help identifying this Sake set - Japanese table ware Img_3116
Help identifying this Sake set - Japanese table ware Img_3118
Help identifying this Sake set - Japanese table ware Img_3117

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Help identifying this Sake set - Japanese table ware Empty Re: Help identifying this Sake set - Japanese table ware

Post by NaomiM December 16th 2024, 2:24 pm

You might find it on the Gotheborg website of 20th Century Japanese and Chinese marks. The set looks like Japanese production ware; late 20thC or 21stC

Last edited by NaomiM on December 16th 2024, 6:09 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Help identifying this Sake set - Japanese table ware Empty Re: Help identifying this Sake set - Japanese table ware

Post by studio-pots December 16th 2024, 6:08 pm

I agree with Naomi and, although attractive and very well made, it would have little re-sale value.

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