Wedgwood gilded chrysanthemum cabinet plate?

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Wedgwood gilded chrysanthemum cabinet plate? Empty Wedgwood gilded chrysanthemum cabinet plate?

Post by silverbug December 15th 2024, 5:14 pm

I have a beautiful gilded china (cabinet?) plate that I believe to have been made by Wedgwood.
The printed mark is terribly blurred , but I think that it shows the Portland Vase with the word Wedgwood underneath , which would suggest a date (according to Google) of c1878-91.
I cannot find anything similar on the internet.
The quality of the raised gilding of chrysanthemums (?) is superb, so I can’t believe that this would have been used for everyday use.
Sadly it does have 2 hairline cracks in the outer rim but it still looks superb on display.
Would anyone be able to confirm my identification and tell me anything more please?
Wedgwood gilded chrysanthemum cabinet plate? 34509710
Wedgwood gilded chrysanthemum cabinet plate? 83223810

Number of posts : 103
Location : South Wales
Registration date : 2015-02-17

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