Cute pottery blue birds, can anyone identify the maker please

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Cute pottery blue birds, can anyone identify the maker please Empty Cute pottery blue birds, can anyone identify the maker please

Post by TWB December 15th 2024, 8:46 am

Hi all,

Please can anyone identify these little lovelies, they are marked with a black stamp for n the base but because they are small it's difficult to read. One is also marked poss C/D HI.

Any help would be appreciated

Thank you


Cute pottery blue birds, can anyone identify the maker please Pxl_2017
Cute pottery blue birds, can anyone identify the maker please Pxl_2016
Cute pottery blue birds, can anyone identify the maker please Pxl_2018

Number of posts : 82
Location : Hampshire
Registration date : 2023-02-10

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