Waterdine Llanfair Pottery, IP mark, Inge Pevsner?
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Waterdine Llanfair Pottery, IP mark, Inge Pevsner?
Studio Pottery, Llanfair Waterdine on the Shropshire/Welsh border. Variously called Waterdine or Llanfair Pottery, Potter unknown - see also Inge Pevsner thread
![Waterdine Llanfair Pottery, IP mark, Inge Pevsner? Llanfa10](https://i.servimg.com/u/f44/17/51/65/69/llanfa10.jpg)
![Waterdine Llanfair Pottery, IP mark, Inge Pevsner? Llanfa11](https://i.servimg.com/u/f44/17/51/65/69/llanfa11.jpg)
![Waterdine Llanfair Pottery, IP mark, Inge Pevsner? Llanfa10](https://i.servimg.com/u/f44/17/51/65/69/llanfa10.jpg)
![Waterdine Llanfair Pottery, IP mark, Inge Pevsner? Llanfa11](https://i.servimg.com/u/f44/17/51/65/69/llanfa11.jpg)
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