Large unmarked pot with beads. African? Nigerian?

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Large unmarked pot with beads. African? Nigerian?  Empty Large unmarked pot with beads. African? Nigerian?

Post by NaomiM December 4th 2024, 8:32 pm

Large unmarked tenmoku and tea dust glazed pot with glass, metal and pottery beads. I’m assuming it’s African but is it Nigerian? Abuja? The base is slightly concave like Abuja pottery, but without their usual puddle of glaze

Large unmarked pot with beads. African? Nigerian?  Img_7261

Large unmarked pot with beads. African? Nigerian?  Img_7253

Large unmarked pot with beads. African? Nigerian?  Img_7254

Large unmarked pot with beads. African? Nigerian?  Img_7255 Large unmarked pot with beads. African? Nigerian?  Img_7258 Large unmarked pot with beads. African? Nigerian?  Img_7256 Large unmarked pot with beads. African? Nigerian?  Img_7257

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