Studio pottery decorated bowl, glaze filled marks, Abuja

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Studio pottery decorated bowl, glaze filled marks, Abuja Empty Studio pottery decorated bowl, glaze filled marks, Abuja

Post by benwilliams December 4th 2024, 2:05 pm

Studio pottery decorated bowl, glaze filled marks, Abuja?
2 marks, really hard to see anything much of them.
If it is Abuja, did lots of the potters personally mark their own work as well as general pottery mark?
Studio pottery decorated bowl, glaze filled marks, Abuja Img_6712
Studio pottery decorated bowl, glaze filled marks, Abuja Img_6711
Studio pottery decorated bowl, glaze filled marks, Abuja Img_6710

Number of posts : 2514
Location : Devon
Registration date : 2017-12-27

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Studio pottery decorated bowl, glaze filled marks, Abuja Empty Re: Studio pottery decorated bowl, glaze filled marks, Abuja

Post by FaithfullJohn December 4th 2024, 3:08 pm

I'm not an expert on Abuja, but have seen a few pieces. I thought it was Abuja as soon as I saw the pic.

I think double stamps were common in Abuja pots eg this pot by Abu Karo has AK and Arabic(??) stamps :

And also many (but not all) pots in this Bonhams auction:

I've seen other Abuja pots with the dual stamps on the side, just above the base, also filled with glaze like your one...

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Studio pottery decorated bowl, glaze filled marks, Abuja Empty Re: Studio pottery decorated bowl, glaze filled marks, Abuja

Post by benwilliams December 4th 2024, 3:28 pm

Thanks Faithful. Lovely pots in the Bonhams sale. Massive price differences between Lady Kwali pieces and some of the others. I’ve handled a few bits before and seen collection in V and A but never bought any before. I think it probably is Abuja but I’ll see what other people say.

Number of posts : 2514
Location : Devon
Registration date : 2017-12-27

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Studio pottery decorated bowl, glaze filled marks, Abuja Empty Re: Studio pottery decorated bowl, glaze filled marks, Abuja

Post by studio-pots December 4th 2024, 6:00 pm

I would suggest that it is most likely Abuja Pottery with an individual seal mark as well. Over the years most pieces of Abuja that I have seen in this country are ones with an individual potter's mark too. That is understandable because most standard wares with just one of the Abuja marks would have been sold from the pottery whereas individual marks pieces are more likely to have been exhibited in the UK.

Now you should know by now that Potty and I need to see your bottom - we're funny that way!

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Studio pottery decorated bowl, glaze filled marks, Abuja Empty Re: Studio pottery decorated bowl, glaze filled marks, Abuja

Post by benwilliams December 4th 2024, 6:02 pm

Thanks Studio. That’s really helpful

Number of posts : 2514
Location : Devon
Registration date : 2017-12-27

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Studio pottery decorated bowl, glaze filled marks, Abuja Empty Re: Studio pottery decorated bowl, glaze filled marks, Abuja

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