Can you identify the maker of this unmarked tea bowl?

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Can you identify the maker of this unmarked tea bowl? Empty Can you identify the maker of this unmarked tea bowl?

Post by JerryD-W December 3rd 2024, 12:54 pm

Can you identify the maker of this unmarked tea bowl please?
It has a Mike Dodd look to it? It has no flaws so I'm surprised it wasn't marked.
Thank youCan you identify the maker of this unmarked tea bowl? 20241215
Can you identify the maker of this unmarked tea bowl? 20241216
Can you identify the maker of this unmarked tea bowl? 20241217

Number of posts : 12
Location : Cheltenham
Registration date : 2016-01-14

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Can you identify the maker of this unmarked tea bowl? Empty Re: Can you identify the maker of this unmarked tea bowl?

Post by dantheman December 3rd 2024, 4:06 pm

I have a similar one with CMW '99 scratched in to the base

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Can you identify the maker of this unmarked tea bowl? Empty Re: Can you identify the maker of this unmarked tea bowl?

Post by JerryD-W December 3rd 2024, 5:13 pm

Not inials I recognise. Does yours have the same decorative stamps and glaze colour?

Number of posts : 12
Location : Cheltenham
Registration date : 2016-01-14

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Can you identify the maker of this unmarked tea bowl? Empty Re: Can you identify the maker of this unmarked tea bowl?

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