Dent Pottery, Cumbria. MW mark, sunrise and water stamp

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Dent Pottery, Cumbria.  MW mark, sunrise and water stamp Empty Dent Pottery, Cumbria. MW mark, sunrise and water stamp

Post by potterymad62 May 17th 2011, 5:02 pm

.Dent Pottery, Cumbria.  MW mark, sunrise and water stamp Imgp0017

Dent Pottery, Cumbria.  MW mark, sunrise and water stamp Imgp0014

Dent Pottery, Cumbria.  MW mark, sunrise and water stamp Imgp0013


Here is the jug with the sunset mark on the handle & the stamp impressed mark DENT



Male Number of posts : 934
Location : Redruth Cornwall
Registration date : 2009-07-22

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