Small yellowceramic pot with lid and flower relief - Canton ware, China
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mahnrut- Number of posts : 26
Location : USA
Registration date : 2024-10-20
Re: Small yellowceramic pot with lid and flower relief - Canton ware, China
I think it’s stamped China. You might find it on the Gotheborg website
Carrot cake is just fake cake
Re: Small yellowceramic pot with lid and flower relief - Canton ware, China
Thank you very much for pointing out the Gotheborg website. I see China written in both red and blue under different date periods. Is there a significence does anyone know to the color of the mark China? And does anyone have any idea of about when this pot was made? Thanks again.
mahnrut- Number of posts : 26
Location : USA
Registration date : 2024-10-20
Re: Small yellowceramic pot with lid and flower relief - Canton ware, China
The printed word China probably means it was made for the export market. The chinese made vastly huge amounts of pottery for export over a very very long period. They were equally expert at copying any trends of the day. Hence very difficult to date by style alone.
philpot- Number of posts : 6778
Location : cambridge
Registration date : 2010-11-06
Re: Small yellowceramic pot with lid and flower relief - Canton ware, China
Thank you Philpot. We now in our 80s are passing on ceramics etc that have been in the attic for years with the provenance information when we have it. We think we got it from s relative who was a “boy soldier” in a British Army band in WW1 in Hong Kong. We have brass vases that we know we got from him from that time. Does this sound plausible for this pot? Many thanks for your time.
mahnrut- Number of posts : 26
Location : USA
Registration date : 2024-10-20
Re: Small yellowceramic pot with lid and flower relief - Canton ware, China
This yellow colour was very popular in the early 20thC. I think 1910s is a very likely date. Possibly Canton ware
Carrot cake is just fake cake
Re: Small yellowceramic pot with lid and flower relief - Canton ware, China
Thanks so much NaomiM. I’ll pass that on to the grandkids!
mahnrut- Number of posts : 26
Location : USA
Registration date : 2024-10-20
Re: Small yellowceramic pot with lid and flower relief - Canton ware, China
Hong Kong would fit exactly. Hong Kong was a British possession with a large harbour and huge export market in 1910. Moreover 'Canton' was the whole very large province next to Hong Kong as well as a city. A lot of this type of work would have been made there.
philpot- Number of posts : 6778
Location : cambridge
Registration date : 2010-11-06
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