Studio Pottery Bulbus Squat Vase Incised JH Mark

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Studio Pottery Bulbus Squat Vase Incised JH Mark Empty Studio Pottery Bulbus Squat Vase Incised JH Mark

Post by potterymad62 November 15th 2024, 3:44 pm

And a another possible ID: A bulbus/onion squat vase with JH incised mark?

Studio Pottery Bulbus Squat Vase Incised JH Mark Pxl_2731
Studio Pottery Bulbus Squat Vase Incised JH Mark Pxl_2732
Studio Pottery Bulbus Squat Vase Incised JH Mark Pxl_2733
Studio Pottery Bulbus Squat Vase Incised JH Mark Pxl_2734

Male Number of posts : 924
Location : Redruth Cornwall
Registration date : 2009-07-22

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