Small bowl, hand and eye mark

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Small bowl, hand and eye mark  Empty Small bowl, hand and eye mark

Post by MannyCat November 15th 2024, 12:18 pm

This bowl measures approximately 12cm across the top, 9cm at the base and is 10.5cm tall.
I found it in a charity shop and have been using it as a plant pot.
I've tried doing a google search on the makers mark but didn't get a result.
Any ideas?Small bowl, hand and eye mark  20241138
Small bowl, hand and eye mark  20241136
Small bowl, hand and eye mark  20241137

Male Number of posts : 9
Location : London
Registration date : 2024-11-06

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Small bowl, hand and eye mark  Empty Re: Small bowl, hand and eye mark

Post by NaomiM November 15th 2024, 1:02 pm

Lovely bowl. Not a mark I've come across before. It doesn't look British.

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Female Number of posts : 32468
Location : Hampshire
Registration date : 2012-05-15

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