Ceramic oil lamp…

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Ceramic oil lamp… Empty Ceramic oil lamp…

Post by Sbro November 12th 2024, 6:43 pm

Attached pics of what I believe is a stoneware oil lamp. Unsigned. Blue/white glazing naively decorated with Jewish symbols.

Length approx 10cm
Width approx 5cm
Depth approx 7cm

Not seen anything similar. Would appreciate any thoughts insights etc regarding the possible age, origin, maker and any info on other examples.


Ceramic oil lamp… 9adff410
Ceramic oil lamp… 58db2610
Ceramic oil lamp… 927ef510

Number of posts : 443
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Registration date : 2022-07-10

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Ceramic oil lamp… Empty Re: Ceramic oil lamp…

Post by NaomiM November 12th 2024, 7:51 pm

Israeli? The decoration certainly looks Jewish

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Ceramic oil lamp… Empty Re: Ceramic oil lamp…

Post by philpot November 13th 2024, 11:32 am

Star of David. Seven pronged Memorah candlestick used in Hebrew worship.
Definitely Jewish. Looks a rather simple piece. I wonder if it was used as something like an incense burner rather than as an oil lamp.

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Ceramic oil lamp… Empty Re: Ceramic oil lamp…

Post by Sbro November 13th 2024, 10:27 pm

Thanks Naomi and Philpot for your insights. Have just seen some pictures of ancient oil lamps that appear to have a similar form to this piece with the wick of the lamp feeding out of the hole at the front of the lamp.

Have to say that the naive decorations discussed make me think of Delft?…

Thanks again

Number of posts : 443
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Ceramic oil lamp… Empty Re: Ceramic oil lamp…

Post by NaomiM November 13th 2024, 10:50 pm

It’s the wrong clay and glaze for Delft. It’s possible it’s British studio pottery, made as a commission or just a test piece

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Ceramic oil lamp… Empty Re: Ceramic oil lamp…

Post by philpot November 14th 2024, 7:24 am

I do not think there is much age to it. The base looks modern and no wear to it. With that decoration there would be a very specialist and limited market for it. Not a commercial piece. A hobby potter made for a friend or their own use?

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Ceramic oil lamp… Empty Re: Ceramic oil lamp…

Post by Sbro November 15th 2024, 6:13 pm

Thanks as always Philpot for your thoughts and insights.

From what I can see the style of the piece echoes ancient oil lamps that have been found across areas of the Middle East. They are usually earthenware and unglazed and often are incised with the same types of symbols as this piece.

Age, maker etc is still tbc. Probably a challenge!



Number of posts : 443
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