ID - Studio pottery jug - shamrock/clover mark?

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ID - Studio pottery jug - shamrock/clover mark?  Empty ID - Studio pottery jug - shamrock/clover mark?

Post by Wynyardr November 10th 2024, 7:47 pm

Saved this lovely little jug from landfill this morning, but haven't been able to figure out who made it. Mark is very hard to make out, possibly a shamrock/clover. Any thoughts? Thanks!

ID - Studio pottery jug - shamrock/clover mark?  Pxl_2041
ID - Studio pottery jug - shamrock/clover mark?  Pxl_2042
ID - Studio pottery jug - shamrock/clover mark?  Pxl_2040
ID - Studio pottery jug - shamrock/clover mark?  Pxl_2037

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ID - Studio pottery jug - shamrock/clover mark?  Empty Re: ID - Studio pottery jug - shamrock/clover mark?

Post by NaomiM November 10th 2024, 8:10 pm

Desmond Clover used a clover leaf shaped stamp or maybe by Kathleen Austin who used a flower stamp

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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