What is the purpose of this piece please??

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What is the purpose of this piece please?? Empty What is the purpose of this piece please??

Post by Welsh Wells November 8th 2024, 3:16 pm

Hi All
Here's a piece that's got me a bit puzzled, quite heavy pressed glass approx 12.5cm tall and 10cm in diameter at the rim, it has a lid in chrome with a plastic knob. Looks a bit Deco in style and I think it might be something like the Chance glass Spider Web pattern. But what is it? A small ice bucket? Condiment pot? Sugar? The gap in the lid indicates there might have been something, maybe tongs or a spoon? I'd be happy for suggestions please.
Thank you What is the purpose of this piece please?? 20241112
What is the purpose of this piece please?? 20241111
What is the purpose of this piece please?? 20241110
Welsh Wells
Welsh Wells

Number of posts : 2
Location : Wales
Registration date : 2023-10-04

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What is the purpose of this piece please?? Empty Re: What is the purpose of this piece please??

Post by NaomiM November 8th 2024, 6:04 pm

Looks right. I have one with a glass lid. Maybe for Jam or sugar?


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What is the purpose of this piece please?? Empty Re: What is the purpose of this piece please??

Post by Welsh Wells November 9th 2024, 6:03 am

Thanks very much, yes I had initially thought small ice buckets but no handles and then there's the gap in the lid. Thanks
Welsh Wells
Welsh Wells

Number of posts : 2
Location : Wales
Registration date : 2023-10-04

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What is the purpose of this piece please?? Empty Re: What is the purpose of this piece please??

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