ep mark, tankard ive no idea - possibly Ali Smith, Earth Pottery

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ep mark, tankard ive no idea - possibly Ali Smith, Earth Pottery  Empty ep mark, tankard ive no idea - possibly Ali Smith, Earth Pottery

Post by fuzzyedges November 7th 2024, 1:36 pm

Ive had this tankard for a couple of month and I still cant find who's it is ep mark, tankard ive no idea - possibly Ali Smith, Earth Pottery  07112410
ep mark, tankard ive no idea - possibly Ali Smith, Earth Pottery  07112411
ep mark, tankard ive no idea - possibly Ali Smith, Earth Pottery  07112412

Male Number of posts : 133
Location : yorkshire
Registration date : 2011-05-15

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ep mark, tankard ive no idea - possibly Ali Smith, Earth Pottery  Empty Re: ep mark, tankard ive no idea - possibly Ali Smith, Earth Pottery

Post by NaomiM November 7th 2024, 1:46 pm

Possibly Earth Pottery


Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32474
Location : Hampshire
Registration date : 2012-05-15


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ep mark, tankard ive no idea - possibly Ali Smith, Earth Pottery  Empty Re: ep mark, tankard ive no idea - possibly Ali Smith, Earth Pottery

Post by fuzzyedges November 7th 2024, 1:50 pm

Thank you One of those marks definably looks the same
Its a new pottery to me so thank you again

Male Number of posts : 133
Location : yorkshire
Registration date : 2011-05-15

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ep mark, tankard ive no idea - possibly Ali Smith, Earth Pottery  Empty Re: ep mark, tankard ive no idea - possibly Ali Smith, Earth Pottery

Post by NaomiM November 7th 2024, 2:08 pm

Some more examples. It does look like her style of decoration

ep mark, tankard ive no idea - possibly Ali Smith, Earth Pottery  Ally_s11
ep mark, tankard ive no idea - possibly Ali Smith, Earth Pottery  Ally_s10
ep mark, tankard ive no idea - possibly Ali Smith, Earth Pottery  Ally_s12

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32474
Location : Hampshire
Registration date : 2012-05-15


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ep mark, tankard ive no idea - possibly Ali Smith, Earth Pottery  Empty Re: ep mark, tankard ive no idea - possibly Ali Smith, Earth Pottery

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