Studio sculpture oak tree vase, New Zealand ?

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Studio sculpture oak tree vase, New Zealand ?  Empty Studio sculpture oak tree vase, New Zealand ?

Post by benwilliams November 4th 2024, 8:50 pm

Studio sculpture oak tree vase, New Zealand ?
Stoneware, probably thrown & then hand sculpted, impressed mark.
There are 2 similar online, both in New Zealand.
One has same mark as this - on a bidding site ( not eBay)
Another is on a New Zealand Pottery site and is identified as Herbert Hoare - a florist and potter in the Arts Village Rotorua when it was set up in 1974. The mark on that pot looks different and is also marked - Little Village Rotorua.
Any other clues ? Seems likely it’s same era New Zealand and somehow related to H Hoare.
Studio sculpture oak tree vase, New Zealand ?  Img_2115
Studio sculpture oak tree vase, New Zealand ?  Img_2114
Studio sculpture oak tree vase, New Zealand ?  Img_2113

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Studio sculpture oak tree vase, New Zealand ?  Empty Re: Studio sculpture oak tree vase, New Zealand ?

Post by philpot November 5th 2024, 10:02 am

It looks a bit twee. Studio sculpture oak tree vase, New Zealand ?  1f603

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