Stoneware Teapot Bamboo Handle. Impressed P mark and sunrise mark

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Stoneware Teapot Bamboo Handle. Impressed P mark and sunrise mark Empty Stoneware Teapot Bamboo Handle. Impressed P mark and sunrise mark

Post by Tictac November 4th 2024, 10:59 am


Looking for some help with my studio pottery teapot.
Attached photos.

I'd love an idea of the potter / pottery. I haven't found anything that looks like eye or sun.
I searched. A P Found Aston pottery Henley. Not sure if this style fits that pottery.
,8" long 4.5" tall to lid. 5.5" wide at base.

Brown. Bamboo Handle

Stoneware Teapot Bamboo Handle. Impressed P mark and sunrise mark Pxl_2093
Stoneware Teapot Bamboo Handle. Impressed P mark and sunrise mark Pxl_2094
Stoneware Teapot Bamboo Handle. Impressed P mark and sunrise mark Pxl_2095

Number of posts : 36
Location : cornwall
Registration date : 2023-09-15

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Stoneware Teapot Bamboo Handle. Impressed P mark and sunrise mark Empty Re: Stoneware Teapot Bamboo Handle. Impressed P mark and sunrise mark

Post by NaomiM November 4th 2024, 11:25 am

I’ve seen several pots with this pair of marks but unfortunately it’s still a mystery

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Stoneware Teapot Bamboo Handle. Impressed P mark and sunrise mark Empty Re: Stoneware Teapot Bamboo Handle. Impressed P mark and sunrise mark

Post by Tictac November 5th 2024, 10:31 am

Thanks for looking Naomi.

Stoneware Teapot Bamboo Handle. Impressed P mark and sunrise mark Pxl_2096
Stoneware Teapot Bamboo Handle. Impressed P mark and sunrise mark Pxl_2097

Number of posts : 36
Location : cornwall
Registration date : 2023-09-15

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Stoneware Teapot Bamboo Handle. Impressed P mark and sunrise mark Empty Re: Stoneware Teapot Bamboo Handle. Impressed P mark and sunrise mark

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