Bottle vase with H mark. Can anyone identify the maker

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Bottle vase with H mark. Can anyone identify the maker  Empty Bottle vase with H mark. Can anyone identify the maker

Post by sarah3645 November 3rd 2024, 9:09 pm

Looks like T T but cannot find anything similar. Any help appreciated thank you. Bottle vase with H mark. Can anyone identify the maker  Img_4111
Bottle vase with H mark. Can anyone identify the maker  Img_4112
Bottle vase with H mark. Can anyone identify the maker  Img_4110

Number of posts : 177
Location : Cheshire
Registration date : 2020-07-21

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Bottle vase with H mark. Can anyone identify the maker  Empty Re: Bottle vase with H mark. Can anyone identify the maker

Post by philpot November 4th 2024, 9:04 am

Very difficult to identify I am afraid. Nearly all professional potters use an indented mark. The only mark on this looks as though it was made by a marker pen. Probably a student piece.

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Bottle vase with H mark. Can anyone identify the maker  Empty Re: Bottle vase with H mark. Can anyone identify the maker

Post by sarah3645 November 4th 2024, 9:09 am

Many thanks

Number of posts : 177
Location : Cheshire
Registration date : 2020-07-21

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Bottle vase with H mark. Can anyone identify the maker  Empty Re: Bottle vase with H mark. Can anyone identify the maker

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