Bert Simpson - Stonecroft Pottery, Cousland, Midlothian
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Sepultus- Number of posts : 67
Location : Glasgow
Registration date : 2014-05-27
Re: Bert Simpson - Stonecroft Pottery, Cousland, Midlothian
looks a bit like the Dianna Peyton mark in t' book .
big ed- Number of posts : 11869
Age : 71
Location : UK
Registration date : 2008-03-22
Re: Bert Simpson - Stonecroft Pottery, Cousland, Midlothian
You are correct, Ed, but nothing like her work, which I'm familiar with.
Now you should know by now that Potty and I need to see your bottom - we're funny that way!
Re: Bert Simpson - Stonecroft Pottery, Cousland, Midlothian
ok sp,ta, the mark is now begining to look like an s
big ed- Number of posts : 11869
Age : 71
Location : UK
Registration date : 2008-03-22
Re: Bert Simpson - Stonecroft Pottery, Cousland, Midlothian
Carrot cake is just fake cake
Bert Simpson - Cousland Pottery, Midlothian
A very 70s-early80s vibe to this mug - not my favourite look, but it is nicely made, and a *really* comfortable mug to hold in the hand and use. No stamp on this one, but it does have a sticker. Bert was about the nearest potter to my mother's pottery in Dalkeith and they often exhibited and sold work together as part of the Lothian Artists group in the 1970s and 80s.
FaithfullJohn- Number of posts : 117
Location : Isle of Mull
Registration date : 2023-01-11
FaithfullJohn- Number of posts : 117
Location : Isle of Mull
Registration date : 2023-01-11
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