Date ? Devon jug, probably Barnstable, moulded woman, and poem

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Date ? Devon jug, probably Barnstable, moulded woman, and poem Empty Date ? Devon jug, probably Barnstable, moulded woman, and poem

Post by benwilliams October 27th 2024, 8:23 pm

Date ? Devon jug, probably Barnstable, moulded woman, and poem
I have seen anothe quite like this but really damaged so I didn’t buy it. Found this today. But I can’t find anything similar online. Do you think Victotprian, or early 1900s?,
I also just want to check - I think it must be N Devon, probably Barnstaple. Woman is moulded in white clay and pavement at her feet is handpainted, as is poem. Would the painting have been done at the pottery or is this an owner improving the jug ? The poem about dirty weather fits with moulded decor.
Date ? Devon jug, probably Barnstable, moulded woman, and poem Img_6418
Date ? Devon jug, probably Barnstable, moulded woman, and poem Img_6417
Date ? Devon jug, probably Barnstable, moulded woman, and poem Img_6419

Number of posts : 2501
Location : Devon
Registration date : 2017-12-27

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Date ? Devon jug, probably Barnstable, moulded woman, and poem Empty Re: Date ? Devon jug, probably Barnstable, moulded woman, and poem

Post by philpot October 28th 2024, 8:32 am

The style of the woman's dress definitely says Victorian. The rather rough nature of the pot itself would suggest a country pottery. The only thing that makes it of real interest is that poem and the illustration. Which are done very skilfully. The pot and the decoration just do not have the same skill. Which would suggest the decoration is a later addition by some one else. An apprentice practice piece?

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Date ? Devon jug, probably Barnstable, moulded woman, and poem Empty Re: Date ? Devon jug, probably Barnstable, moulded woman, and poem

Post by studio-pots October 28th 2024, 7:14 pm

I think from your photographs that the lady and and poem were add after the standard jug had been bought.

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Date ? Devon jug, probably Barnstable, moulded woman, and poem Empty Re: Date ? Devon jug, probably Barnstable, moulded woman, and poem

Post by benwilliams October 28th 2024, 7:27 pm

Thank you Philpot and Studio.
I know I’ve seen one other similar N Devon style jug with a moulding on the side. Possibly white moulding again. I presumed the lady was done at the pottery but maybe there was a hobby of adding plaster or clay type moulded decoration at home. I’ll have a look under a glass.

Number of posts : 2501
Location : Devon
Registration date : 2017-12-27

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Date ? Devon jug, probably Barnstable, moulded woman, and poem Empty Re: Date ? Devon jug, probably Barnstable, moulded woman, and poem

Post by studio-pots October 28th 2024, 8:44 pm

I am thinking that the lady was after leaving the pottery because it is not the cream internal glaze. There was a craze for decorating unglazed earthenware along with other pottery but the addition of moulding is something that I haven't seen but certainly plausible.

Now you should know by now that Potty and I need to see your bottom - we're funny that way!

Male Number of posts : 7836
Location : South East London
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Date ? Devon jug, probably Barnstable, moulded woman, and poem Empty Re: Date ? Devon jug, probably Barnstable, moulded woman, and poem

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