Large Studio Pottery Jug - Tenmuko Glaze With a Tree / Plant Mark. French?

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Large Studio Pottery Jug - Tenmuko Glaze With a Tree / Plant Mark. French? Empty Large Studio Pottery Jug - Tenmuko Glaze With a Tree / Plant Mark. French?

Post by chip69 October 26th 2024, 10:59 am

Hi Everyone.

I have just picked up this large jug - it has a tree  or plant mark I think.

I cannot find it in my books.

Any ideas anyone?

Kind Regards


Large Studio Pottery Jug - Tenmuko Glaze With a Tree / Plant Mark. French? Img_7023
Large Studio Pottery Jug - Tenmuko Glaze With a Tree / Plant Mark. French? Img_7021
Large Studio Pottery Jug - Tenmuko Glaze With a Tree / Plant Mark. French? Img_7022Large Studio Pottery Jug - Tenmuko Glaze With a Tree / Plant Mark. French? Img_7024
Large Studio Pottery Jug - Tenmuko Glaze With a Tree / Plant Mark. French? Img_7025

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Large Studio Pottery Jug - Tenmuko Glaze With a Tree / Plant Mark. French? Empty Re: Large Studio Pottery Jug - Tenmuko Glaze With a Tree / Plant Mark. French?

Post by NaomiM October 27th 2024, 2:06 am

I don't recognise the mark. I wonder if it's French

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