Unknown Artist, bottle base signed LLouno? 84 Barcelona

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Unknown Artist, bottle base signed LLouno? 84 Barcelona Empty Unknown Artist, bottle base signed LLouno? 84 Barcelona

Post by BenZen October 25th 2024, 2:28 pm

My wife have inherited this small vase from her grandmother. It's 18,5cm tall and about 5cm in diameter. There's a clear signature in the buttom but I'm no good at reading handwriting.
I can read "**(maybe LL)ouno 84 Barcelona." Hope someone recognize the signature and can give us a hint to who made this.

Unknown Artist, bottle base signed LLouno? 84 Barcelona Img_2012
Unknown Artist, bottle base signed LLouno? 84 Barcelona Img_2013

Number of posts : 1
Location : Denmark
Registration date : 2024-10-25

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