Wavy Cubist Wall Art with scraffitti written mark no idea…

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Wavy Cubist Wall Art with scraffitti written mark no idea… Empty Wavy Cubist Wall Art with scraffitti written mark no idea…

Post by MCWebs October 25th 2024, 12:24 am

Hi all been a while since i posted, managed to pick up this nice cubist wall piece i was under the disillusionment that it was made by david allnat but looking closer at his styles and the mark again i guess i got that wring any ideas as i think it is a cool and very modern piece. Many thanks for any clues..

Wavy Cubist Wall Art with scraffitti written mark no idea… Ed7efd10

Wavy Cubist Wall Art with scraffitti written mark no idea… 03c56a10

Wavy Cubist Wall Art with scraffitti written mark no idea… A6fcc910

Wavy Cubist Wall Art with scraffitti written mark no idea… 6b491b10

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Wavy Cubist Wall Art with scraffitti written mark no idea… Empty Re: Wavy Cubist Wall Art with scraffitti written mark no idea…

Post by NaomiM October 25th 2024, 1:53 am

The name and style looks Spanish, but I could be wrong

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