Thought this was Wedgwood - Dartmouth Pottery

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Thought this was Wedgwood - Dartmouth Pottery  Empty Thought this was Wedgwood - Dartmouth Pottery

Post by mahnrut October 24th 2024, 3:56 pm

We inherited this from a relative in England together with a Wedgwood Moonstone vase so thought this black vase was also Wedgwood and Ravenstone but no it seems. It is hard to read the impressed marks but it says Dartmouth, Devon, England and perhaps 95 C. It likely is more glossy than the Wedgwood lookalike would be. Any ideas? Thanks.

Thought this was Wedgwood - Dartmouth Pottery  Img_1510
Thought this was Wedgwood - Dartmouth Pottery  Img_3022

Female Number of posts : 26
Location : USA
Registration date : 2024-10-20

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Thought this was Wedgwood - Dartmouth Pottery  Empty Re: Thought this was Wedgwood - Dartmouth Pottery

Post by philpot October 24th 2024, 5:28 pm

Dartmouth Pottery is a small pottery founded in 1947 in  Dartmouth, Devon, UK. It is in a tourist area and specialises in pottery for mainly tourists, It it still working. If you do a DARTMOUTH POTTERY search on Ebay UK you will see similar items to this one for sale. As well as a lot of other different pieces they made

Number of posts : 6733
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Thought this was Wedgwood - Dartmouth Pottery  Empty Re: Thought this was Wedgwood - Dartmouth Pottery

Post by mahnrut October 24th 2024, 5:59 pm

Thanks. Interesting it should look so much like Wedgwood.

Female Number of posts : 26
Location : USA
Registration date : 2024-10-20

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Thought this was Wedgwood - Dartmouth Pottery  Empty Re: Thought this was Wedgwood - Dartmouth Pottery

Post by philpot October 24th 2024, 7:07 pm

They were a small pottery. They made what sold. There was no copyright design on this shape. This would probably be from the 1950's /60's when Wedgwood still sold very well in the UK

Number of posts : 6733
Location : cambridge
Registration date : 2010-11-06

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Thought this was Wedgwood - Dartmouth Pottery  Empty Re: Thought this was Wedgwood - Dartmouth Pottery

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