Bulbous squat vase - any advise on marker or region this vase is from?

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Bulbous squat vase - any advise on marker or region this vase is from? Empty Bulbous squat vase - any advise on marker or region this vase is from?

Post by Hickstead October 23rd 2024, 5:35 pm

Unmarked / unsigned small squat bulbous vase. Would appreciate any information about it…. I have no idea how to describe this style of pottery, possible maker, period it dates to or what country it originates from!

About 10cm / 4in high. Green, brown, black colours in the glaze.

Thanks in advanced for any insight you can share :)

Bulbous squat vase - any advise on marker or region this vase is from? Img_9216
Bulbous squat vase - any advise on marker or region this vase is from? Img_9218
Bulbous squat vase - any advise on marker or region this vase is from? Img_9217

Number of posts : 5
Location : UK
Registration date : 2024-09-15

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Bulbous squat vase - any advise on marker or region this vase is from? Empty Re: Bulbous squat vase - any advise on marker or region this vase is from?

Post by NaomiM October 23rd 2024, 6:04 pm

I'm afraid it's not distinctive enough to identify without a potter's stamp. Likely to have been made any time in the 70s-90s when some potters switched to using sticky labels rather than stamps

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Bulbous squat vase - any advise on marker or region this vase is from? Empty Re: Bulbous squat vase - any advise on marker or region this vase is from?

Post by Hickstead October 23rd 2024, 6:23 pm

Thanks. British rather than say Chinese?

Number of posts : 5
Location : UK
Registration date : 2024-09-15

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Bulbous squat vase - any advise on marker or region this vase is from? Empty Re: Bulbous squat vase - any advise on marker or region this vase is from?

Post by NaomiM October 23rd 2024, 7:08 pm

I think it's British

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32468
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Bulbous squat vase - any advise on marker or region this vase is from? Empty Re: Bulbous squat vase - any advise on marker or region this vase is from?

Post by Hickstead October 23rd 2024, 7:37 pm

Appreciate your thoughts Naomi. Thanks again :)

Number of posts : 5
Location : UK
Registration date : 2024-09-15

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Bulbous squat vase - any advise on marker or region this vase is from? Empty Re: Bulbous squat vase - any advise on marker or region this vase is from?

Post by philpot October 23rd 2024, 8:13 pm

Very much a Leach style pot. That is a style of pottery much copying the style of Bernard Leach. he was very popular back in the 60's and 70's. He was regarded as the Godfather of modern British studio pottery. He himself was very strongly influenced by Japanese pottery. Hence the oriental feel to your pot. Google Bernard Leach Images to see what I mean. For modern exponents look at the work of Jim Malone, Mike Dodd and Phil Rogers, We also have threads on all these potters which you can find in our Search box.
There were a lot of very good potters back in the 70's who could not make a living out of studio pottery. This probably from one of those. Too generic to put a name to tho.

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Bulbous squat vase - any advise on marker or region this vase is from? Empty Re: Bulbous squat vase - any advise on marker or region this vase is from?

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